Catholic Teen Fiction receives the Catholic Writers Guild “Seal of Approval”


I want readers and bookstore owners to be assured of the quality and content of all my books, so I submit them to the Catholic Writers Guild for review. I am excited to announce that the final book in the Chasing Liberty trilogy has received the Seal of Approval!

Fight for Liberty by Theresa Linden

Final book in the Chasing Liberty dystopian trilogy

Liberty has gained a deeper understanding of true freedom, but having it for herself is not enough.

Prompted by the inner voice that has guided her for years, Liberty is compelled to bring the freedom she possesses to others in Aldonia. While unsure of how to carry out this mission, she is willing to risk all to accomplish it. Threats from outside the Boundary Fence and threats closer to home cause chaos and confusion that have everyone unsure of what direction to take. Troubled by Liberty’s risky choices, Dedrick wishes he could convince her to leave for the colonies. But Liberty has chosen Aldonia over him. When faith, family, and freedom have been squashed, what can one person or even a group do to reclaim the culture?

Fight for Liberty and the entire Chasing Liberty trilogy has great themes that are so relevant to today. I would love to see this trilogy to reach more people.

Be sure to visit the Book Clubs page on my author website for the free digital discussion/study guide. Consider adding this book to your 11th- and 12th-grader’s curriculum.

Two other books have received the Seal of Approval too! I’ve read them both and highly recommend them:

The Siege of Reginald Hill by Corinna Turner

A spinoff from the I Am Margaret series


Fr Kyle Verrall is living a quiet life as a parish priest in Africa when he’s snatched from his church one night by armed assailants. He’s in big trouble—his sister’s worst enemy is hell-bent on taking revenge on the famous Margaret Verrall by killing her brother, just as slowly and horribly as he can. What could possibly save him? The humble young priest is defenceless—or so Reginald Hill believes. But Kyle has a powerful weapon Hill knows nothing about. And he’s not afraid to use it.

Is Reginald Hill really the hunter? Or is he the hunted?

Guarding Aaron by T. M. Gaouette

Faith & Kung Fu – Book 3

When the struggles of the world and his devotion collide, he must choose between his own desires and the will of God.

The world continues to press in on Gabriel Livingstone’s quiet life when fifteen-year-old Aaron Buckley enters Yeung’s Martial Arts Studio looking to learn kung-fu. Gabriel knows there’s a desperate secret behind the boy’s bruises, and secretly vows to be his guard, with the help of his friend Christian.  But when Tanner Rose pressures him for strength and direction, and Faith’s continued rebellion send him and his friends to the hospital, jeopardizing Tanner’s career, Gabriel is forced to reexamine his decisions. Is he called to the priesthood or is life behind the monastery walls merely an escape?

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” (Ephesians 6:10-11 RSVCE)

Visit for more exciting titles!

#1 Social Justice Issue


What is Social Justice?

With social justice we seek to develop and maintain fair relationships with others.

With all the injustice in society, where do we begin? Which issues are most important?

An online search for “social justice issues” brings up things like “inter-social treatment” and “unequal government regulation.” What even is that?

Well, apparently, the important social justice issues of our day have to do with the treatment of groups of people based on biases and prejudices against race, gender, age, sexual orientation (you knew that would be on the list), religion, nationality, education, and mental or physical ability. And these injustices are carried out through voting, laws, policing laws, environmental laws (you knew that would be on the list), health, education and labor laws.

What about the fundamental respect for and protection of human life from conception to natural death? Why don’t the unborn make it to most of these lists? Why are they all but forgotten (dare I even say “despised”) by many in our culture?

“Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person – among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”  *Catechism of the Catholic Church #2270

I recently attended the 2019 Bringing America Back to Life Convention, along with participants from all over the country. I’ve attended this convention for the past few years and I always leave feeling inspired by the speakers to pray more, to speak up for the unborn whenever I can, and to do something. But as I am driving back home at the end of the conference, I find myself again thinking, “What else can I do?”

The Guttmacher Institute reports that around 2899 abortions take place in the US every day (1 every 30 seconds). That’s almost 3000 babies every single day. As Molly Smith, executive director of Cleveland Right to Life, said repeatedly at the conference, “Enough is enough.”

With all our scientific and technological advancements, our charity, and with our great national desire to treat everyone with respect, I find it hard to believe that this evil still exists in our country.

During a hearing on a pro-abortion state senate bill, a young man challenged Rhode Island lawmakers with these words: “Men, especially, are told that we can’t talk, that when the children are dying…we have to sit down and be quiet. Yet, we have the same gumption to look back into civilizations that commit genocide and say: Where were you? Why weren’t you standing up?…I wonder if people will look back on us one day and say, ‘Where are all the people standing up?'”

This man is right. This is the issue of our day and we must stand up now. The lives of the unborn are in jeopardy not only through contraception and abortion, but now they are not even safe after birth. This is madness. And we cannot remain silent in the face of this madness.

We must take a stand and fight for the fundamental right to life. The unborn are people too. And future generations will not understand this widespread apathy toward them.

If you want to be educated about pro-life issues and inspired to take an active part in bringing an end to abortion, you can watch the 2019 Bringing America Back to Life speakers HERE.

Day By Day with Saint Faustina: 365 Reflections


I am so glad to have this book DAY BY DAY WITH SAINT FAUSTINA: 365 REFLECTIONS by Susan Tassone during Lent, but I’ll use it the entire year. From the “Introduction,” this book is both a comprehensive introduction to Saint Faustina’s writing and it is a solid answer for those who want to apply her teachings and examples in daily life.

Saint Faustina will help you:

  • Grow closer to Christ in the Eucharist
  • Develop a stronger, deeper daily prayer life with the help of the angels and saints
  • Get along better with others, including those closest to you
  • Apply Faustina’s “secrets of sanctity”
  • Trust God more
  • Let the realities of heaven, hell and purgatory influence your choices now
  • Love the Blessed Mother even more and let her love draw you closer to her Son
  • Use your suffering to help others, including the souls in purgatory
  • come to better understand the spiritual powerhouse that is the Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Become a person of mercy by learning from the Saint of Mercy

I can’t say how happy I was to get this book in the mail! With over 400 pages, this book is thick. And the cover is beautiful. Inside there is a quote from Saint Faustina, a reflection, and a prayer for every day. At the end of the book are several appendixes, which include more on the Divine Mercy, important Feast Days, and on indulgences.

I’ve been reading a meditation a day. Some meditations are profound and others a bit humorous, but they always stick with me throughout the day and help me to treasure the often-overlooked gifts of God or give me perspective in my trials.

Here is an example from April 5:
“God’s floodgates have been opened for us.” (Diary, 1159)

Reflection: Hang on to your hat, here comes mercy. If we want it, if we accept it, if we let it wash over us and transform who we are and how we live. Yes, the floodgates are open but, no, it’s our choice. Always, always, always.

Prayer: Divine Mercy, I choose You. Thank You for choosing me. Jesus, I trust in You.

Day by Day with Saint Faustina: 365 Reflections, April 5

My thoughts: this simple reflection made me more aware of the great desire of Our Lord to transform us with His grace. He has so much grace every day for each one of us! So all day long, as I faced challenges and trials and they daily hum drum stuff, I reminded myself that the choice was mine and I repeated the simple prayer from the meditation.

Wow! How easy it is to let God in and walk with us!


“Susan Tassone’s new book is a means to experience God’s overwhelming love for each of us. By spending a little time each day reflecting on a bite-sized morsel of the Diary of St. Faustina—followed by a very succinct and eye-opening reflection, and then a short prayer—God can change our perspective and our lives through His powerful love. Seeing how God worked in the life of St. Faustina helps us see how He wants to work in our own hearts. This treasure of a book is a wonderful way to develop a very doable habit of ongoing formation. I highly recommend it!”

~Fr. Joseph Roesch, M.I.C.
Vicar General, Rome, Italy

Day by Day with St. Faustina gives us a wonderful approach to comprehending the infinite Divine Mercy of God. I’ve long hoped that somebody would be able to open the depths of St. Faustina’s spirituality in a way that would allow people to slowly acquire her ability to trust just as she slowly grew in prayer, in understanding God’s will, and eventually in fully trusting in His love.”

~Fr. Dan Cambra, M.I.C.
Holy Souls Sodality, The National Shrine of The Divine Mercy

“This much-needed introduction to St. Faustina, her spirituality, and God’s never-ending mercy is a wonderful choice for those (including me) who have felt a little intimidated by the depth — and length — of the visionary’s diary. Here, day by day, author Susan Tassone shares the key themes, beauty, and comfort the diary offers all of us. It’s a grace-filled nudge that encourages each of us to read the diary itself.”

~Fr. Edward Looney
Author of A Heart Like Mary’s: 31 Daily Meditations to Help You Live and Love as She Does

Where to get the book:

This book is available through any bookstore. Request it at your local Catholic bookstore. Or order online through Sophia Press, Amazon, or any online bookseller.

To learn about more great books, check out Carolyn Astfalk’s “An Open Book” and

A Financial Planning Book with a Catholic Perspective


This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Dan Gallagher’s book, The Secrets of Successful Financial Planning: Inside Tips from an Expert (SSFP).” It is a CWG Seal of Approval recipientFrom a retired (i.e., no-bias or client acquisition agenda) nationally recognized, thirty-year expert, this comprehensive, yet easy to understand, personal financial planning book is for users, old and young, seeking to DIY or better understand/choose advisors.

Secrets of Successful Financial Planning


Catholic:  The only financial planning book with a Catholic perspective, yet appropriate for users of all and no faith. As noted in Catholic News-Herald, SSFP provides 30 true tales of client tragedy and triumph” rather than boring case studies. Experience the “moral and relationships dimensions of money decisions.” SSFP Discloses secrets kept from the public and poorly knowns even among professionals.

Secular:  30 true tales of client tragedy and triumph, rather than boring case studies. Excellent reviews, including “…everyday language for practical use. SSFP can help almost anyone bring efficiency to their financial planning….  SSFP is strongly recommended.”  – Arthur B. Laffer, Ph.D., Father of Supply-side Economics, Economic Advisor to two presidents.  SSFP  discloses secrets kept from the public and poorly knowns even among professionals.


Page 28, regarding asset allocation and income draw:

The old technique still used, a reasonable rate of withdrawal below an average rate of return is assumed [to result in never exhausting income-producing assets]. But those were always a known numbers. Anything wrong with that picture? Right! The future is not known at all. Not only were rates of return not correctly known, no market losses were assumed (merely some conservatively assumed rate of return). Worse, no early losses were assumed, and early losses are the worst because they reduce what is actually available to grow. The picture was always better than reality. Inevitable result: exhausted assets for retirees, failure to adequately save for those working. …math dangerously flawed.

Where can you get a copy?

This book is available through any bookseller, online or physical, but signed and personalized copies are available at

Want to know more about the author?

Dan retired from financial services in December 2017 to work professionally as a writer, freelancer, speaker and educator. During his practice, Dan’s professional designations included: Chartered Financial Consultant & Chartered Life Underwriter (1989), Certified Financial Planner® (1992) and Certified Business Intermediary (2002). Dan’s thirty-year financial practice encompassed group andindividual benefits, money management, financial plans, business valuation & brokerage, commercial realty and – often very personal – counseling. He now writes fiction and nonfiction and also offers speaking/training services. Dan was recently (June 2018) accepted and registered as an “expert witness” with The Expert Institute, New York.

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Want to learn ACTUAL secrets & poorly knowns of financial planning from a Catholic POV? Want it by a zero-bias expert? Want true tales of client “tragedy & triumph”? Feel the responsibility to be efficient with your gifts?