CWG Book Blast! Cassie Herrington’s ‘Thérèse of Lisieux: Little Saint Stories’


This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Cassie Herrington’s book, ‘Thérèse of Lisieux: Little Saint Stories .’ It has the CWG Seal of Approval!

Teach your child the story of Thérèse of Lisieux

with this adorable board book.

Summary – Each page of this authentically Catholic book has beautiful illustrations that bring the Little Flower to life! Teach your child the story of a beloved saint and a lesson along the way!

Excerpt: “From the time she was a little girl Thérèse has her heart set. She wanted to become a holy saint. To Heaven she would get!”

Use code “CWG” for 10% off!

Author Bio: As a Catholic theologian and youth minister, Cassie knows the beauty that is found in the lives of the saints. Catholics—young and old—can benefit from learning about the heroic virtue found in the lives of our many Catholic saints. Since feeling the call to write children’s books in 2021, Cassie has self-published nine board books that share the stories of some amazing saints. Two of her books have received the CWG Seal of Approval. She hopes that her books inspire little ones to image themselves as future saints.  

Good Books Are Needed Now More Than Ever


While I can appreciate a tidy house, I love a house where books cover the coffee table and end tables . . . where books have to be cleared from the dining room table before dinner . . . where books sometimes get lost in blankets and under pillows and by the cat’s bed.

My boys are grown now, but I treasure the memories of coming home from the library with more books than we could easily carry. As the boys got older, the books got thicker and the stacks higher. Favorites got read over and over–maybe because good books aren’t always that easy to find.

I was one of those moms who was always looking for good book lists. I’d find them on Catholic homeschooling blogs and websites. I’d find them in books on homeschooling. I’d learn about books from friends or on review blogs.

While we visited the library often, we also bought a lot of books. From my experience, libraries don’t carry a lot of faith-filled fiction. But those are the books we need and enjoy most of all. So I’d search for them in bookstores and online. Our home library grew and grew, filling shelves–with books even stacked horizontally on other books.

Faith-filled fiction for every age is a “must have.” It can provide all the humor, mystery, and adventure of other stories, but these stories also go deeper. They speak to that deep part in every one of us–including children–that hungers for God.

Today, cell phones, games, and electronics seem to fill every spare moment in a child’s life. That type of entertainment sucks up the time that children of previous generations used to develop their imaginations. Children need those quiet moments, those boring moments, those moments on their own with nothing but time and a good book.

In addition to providing a healthy source of entertainment, reading a lot can:

  • broaden one’s vocabulary
  • boost problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • increase creativity and imagination
  • provide relaxation and inspiration
  • sharpen one’s brain in other ways
  • Reading faith-filled fiction adds even more benefit as one finds solid examples for how to live as a Christian
  • Faith-filled fiction directs us to God and a life of faith!

Faith-filled stories had such an impact on me in my formative years. This is one reason that I became a Catholic fiction writer. My first books were written for teens. I also wrote a dystopian trilogy for older teens/new adults, and a supernatural thriller for adults. But I’ve recently directed my talents to writing a Catholic children’s book series based on the scriptural armor of God. The final books in this six-book fantasy adventure series will come out in the winter of 2022.

To celebrate the completion of this series, I am holding a GIVEAWAY that includes not only my Armor of God series but several other fantastic Catholic children’s book series as well. Check out the GIVEAWAY HERE.

And now, let me introduce a few other good Catholic children’s book series.

Catholic Stories for Kids by Kathryn Swegart

“The kids and I love this book! Beautiful illustrations with inspiring stories. A little treasure for every Catholic home. I sent one as a gift to my godchildren. Great for bedtime reading. My boys, ages 12, 10, 7, and 4, all enjoyed the stories and begged me to read them every night. Will read them again and again!”

—Amazon review

God’s Forgotten Friends for Children by Susan Peek

The children at our school were overjoyed, and considered it a great privilege to be able to take turns looking at the book themselves after having it read to the class. This author really knows how to reach the minds and hearts of the young (and of all ages!)” 

—teaching nun, review on Amazon

Molly McBride Series by Jean Schoonover-Egolf

“It’s a fun, sweet series filled with virtue and simple lessons about the Catholic faith to inspire young readers. Jean Egolf is equally talented at writing and illustration. Good books for parents/ grandparents to share with their children to spark conversations about vocations, sacraments, attending school, bullies, and more.”

—Amazon review

Sisters of the Last Stray by Karen Kelly Boyce

“My 9-year old daughter laughed out loud several times while reading this book! … Most books, even of similar length, are abandoned by her as she flits to some other activity or even another book. She was begging me for the next in the series before she even finished this one!”

—Amazon review

Chime Travelers by Lisa Hendey

Imagine if you could travel back in time and meet the saints in person. Through the eyes of the Chime Travelers, Lisa Hendey helps us do just that! She brings them to life in a way that is fun and informative, while encouraging us to live their examples.” 

Fr. Cory Sticha, Pastor, St. Mary’s Parish, Malta, Montana

Armor of God Series by Theresa Linden

“Boys and girls alike will be enthralled by Belt of Truth. My children are entertained by the story, and I love the lessons they are absorbing. Our family is already looking forward to reading the other five books in the Armor of God series!

—Charisse Tierney, Amazon review

So those books are for children, but let me also share a fantastic place to find Catholic fiction for teens: There you will find books in a variety of genres, by over a dozen authors, and with so many themes.

Feel free to shares your favorite faith-filled fiction in the comments. Also if you know of a good book list for children of various ages, please share those!

Happy reading!

Countdown to the Completion of the Armor of God children’s series


“Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

~ Ephesians 6:13-17

Learn about the Catholic Children’s Book GIVEAWAY here.

The Scriptural armor of God has always inspired me. It makes me think about the spiritual battle that goes on every minute of every day. It also reminds me that God gives us everything we need to triumph. He washes us clean (Confession), feeds us (Holy Communion), clothes us (grace), and gives us armor (see Ephesians) and weapons (Bible, Rosary, sacramentals)!

It is really such an honor–such a blessing–that God allows us to take part in this battle as His soldiers. I mean, He really doesn’t need us in the triumph over evil. God could have put an end to Satan and his rebellion with simply a thought or a single word. Instead, He lets us fight this battle in His name. He gives us the chance to merit as soldiers of Christ–and if we fight well, we will receive our reward for all eternity.

What an honor! What a blessing!

We must convey the great honor of this gift to our children so that they can learn to recognize the opportunities they have every day. Once they reach the age of reason, our children are morally responsible. So the Church helps them to armor up!

The books in my Armor of God chapter book series focus on the virtues associated with each piece of armor mentioned in Ephesians 6:13-17.

  • In Belt of Truth, George Pennington accidentally burns his mother’s cherished tapestry and fears that his chance at Knight School is over. A lie seems like the best solution, but as lying becomes easier, George and friends discover what they must do to earn the Belt of Truth.
  • In Breastplate of Righteousness, George wants to help his friend Henry, who accidentally made a hole in the thatched roof of his house, but his father won’t let him go because a storm is coming. George is desperate to make the right choices because he really wants to earn the Breastplate of Righteousness.
  • In Boots of Peace, while George and his friend Robyn work hard at being peacemakers, George can’t stop thinking about the strange rock he once discovered in the knights’ woods. He will stop at nothing to find out more about it, but he just might be missing a very important point about peace.
  • In Shield of Faith, George is invited on a secret mission–which holds answers to questions he’s been wondering since becoming a page! But when he finds himself in a tight situation, he’d rather have a lantern than faith. He is not the only one facing a challenge; each pages’ faith is tested before the day is out.
  • In Helmet of Salvation, dragons have been spotted! George wants to help at the outposts and Henry wants to collect dragon scales–even at the risk of being tossed out of Knight School. But the knights have other work for them to do. The pages will learn the importance of putting on the mind of Christ. Our thoughts and choices are important.
  • In Sword of the Spirit, George and friends investigate strange noises in the underground shelter and discover that the dragon threat is even greater than they had expected! The knights have one plan to solve the problem and the townsfolk another. The pages learn to keep courageous and peaceful spirits amidst chaos by working to earn the Sword of the Spirit–which is the Word of God!

Story themes concern the importance of virtues such as truthfulness, patience, inner peace, obedience, prayer, and trusting God.

Brother Coll’s Catechism lessons between chapters help readers see how prayer, the Bible, and the sacraments help us to put on the armor of God!

Four of the six books are out now. The fifth and sixth books will come out soon–before the end of winter 2022! You can get copies of the books on Amazon or anywhere you buy books. Ask your local Catholic bookstore to carry the series. Find the entire series as it comes out HERE! Feel free to sign up for my author newsletter for updates!

To help celebrate the release of the series,

enter the BIG Catholic Children’s Book GIVEAWAY HERE!

How Can Fiction Help Form a Pro-Life Culture?


While October is Respect Life Month, I always think about pro-life work and themes in January, too, because of the annual March for Life. I imagine a day when the March for Life will no longer be needed because everyone will realize that abortion is a tragedy, the way we all realize slavery is a tragedy.

In order for us to reach that day, we need to change a lot of minds and hearts. How can we possibly change the hearts and minds of others? Hearts and minds change when people open themselves to truth.

This is the work of God, but we are all called to play a role.

Just as the Virgin Mary was and is the instrument of God for bringing Christ–Truth Himself–into the world, so you and I are called to be the instruments that bring truth to others. There are countless ways we can share truth with others, including prayer, discussion, living by example, and works of charity.

One powerful way to reach others with pro-life ideas is through fiction.

A fictional story can be instrumental in changing hearts and minds because through a powerful story, readers come to identify with and understand characters. In pro-life fiction, characters wrestle with ideas that touch on the sanctity of human life. They go beyond the slogans of “my body, my choice” and “choose life” to the detrimental or salvific results of those choices.

Through the thoughts, actions, and challenges characters face, readers get to think deeply about the consequences of choices and even consider things from a new point of view. They can reason through ideas and be free to change their opinions without pressure.

Because of my desire to share the truth that alone can transform the world for Christ, I’ve written pro-life fiction and I’ve read and shared pro-life fiction. I’ll list some of those books here.

Pro-life Fiction

This story is part of the West Brothers contemporary teen fiction series. The characters face the challenges teens face today concerning relationships with the opposite sex. What’s the best way to get to know someone that you like? Caitlyn’s family wants her to practice something like old-fashioned courtship with high parental involvement and zero time alone with boys. Meanwhile, her best friend, Zoe, has little parental involvement in her relationships. When Zoe ends up pregnant, her boyfriend pressures her to get an abortion, but she’s not sure she wants to do that.

In the next book in the West Brothers series, Jarret West struggles to recover from a broken relationship, in which he tried pressuring his girlfriend to have an abortion. This story is shown in part from Jarret’s guardian angel’s perspective. Using the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas on angels, readers get to see the spiritual battle play out, including the dirty tactics the devil uses to remind us of our sinful past and to encourage us to make more sinful choices. Sexual promiscuity and abortion have real consequences that one cannot hide from, but our God is all-merciful and ever calling us back to a loving relationship with Him.

This contemporary pro-life story, written for teens, follows sixteen-year-old Paul Porter, who stays with family friends during his dad’s deployment. When devastating news lands on their doorstep, Paul finds comfort in his new friend Rachel Mueller. Their abiding friendship deepens as they work side by side to uncover what could be lost treasure, but now they also face new temptations. Will they acquire the strength of character and virtue to take only what rightfully belongs to them or are they in way over their heads, with more than a few lost artifacts at stake? Themes include premarital chastity and overcoming temptation.

Award-winning contemporary teen fiction author Leslea Wahl has several inspirational faith-filled stories, but this one contains a great message about premarital chastity–along with the action and mystery. Teen snowboarder Jake Taylor and his girlfriend, Sophie, navigate through the challenges that come with fame and with their developing relationship. Learning to respect oneself and others is really at the root of the life issue.

In this story, Brian is done with dating until he meets Melanie, who’s been struggling to hold life together with her three rambunctious children, ever since her husband’s sudden death. They develop their relationship cautiously, but then an old temptation is reignited and an unknown stalker shows up. This clean adult romance approaches the respect life theme in a different way. It deals with the issue of pornography and the damage it does to oneself and to future relationships.

This ‘biography through fiction’ introduces a beloved pro-life saint through the fictional life of a present-day teen. Canonized in 2021 but long a beloved intercessor for the pro-life movement, Saint Margaret of Castello was born in medieval Italy, blind, lame and hunch-backed, to noble parents who later abandoned her because of her disabilities. In Child, Unwanted, thirteen-year-old Miri (Miracle) Taylor, already scarred from a failed abortion attempt, struggles to believe he could ever be loved and wanted. In hospital after a terrible accident, he makes friends with a mysterious Italian lady called Margaret. Can she teach him that his life is worth living?

This contemporary fiction by T.M. Gaouette was endorsed by Alveda C. King, author of Civil Rights for the Unborn. Readers follow a young man of faith and conviction and a young woman he barely knows, who must now figure out what to do after they’ve made a mistake. She wants money for an abortion, but he knows that’s not the answer. This story does not make light of the effects of our choices, whether physical or spiritual, and it also shows the importance of a faith-filled upbringing.

Set in an alternative future where dinosaurs roam freely and humans live behind electric fences, this is an exciting pro-life adventure with eighteen-year-old Isaiah and his older brother Zechariah, professional hunters who earn their living culling and capturing some of the most dangerous predators ever to walk the planet. Readers will enjoy seeing how pro-life and unexpected pregnancy themes play out in this story.

I confess that this book has a special place in my heart. Readers have reached out to me about this one too, asking for the beginning story of Caitlyn and Jarret. This story starts after they’ve been married for almost a year. Caitlyn wakes up with amnesia and can’t understand how this bad apple can possibly be her husband. She sets out to uncover the mystery of her amnesia and her marriage, all the while taking readers on a journey to discover the mercy of God, the sanctity of marriage, and the possibility of life after mistakes. It’s strong pro-life and pro-marriage themes will inspire.

The last three books on my list are available at a discounted price at Check it out HERE. Then grab the pro-life set, or the other titles here, and share them with the young adults in your life. Give them a unique and non-confrontational means of approaching the pro-life issue. Through these stories they will gain empathy and insight.

For additional pro-life evangelization, donate these or other pro-life titles to your parish youth group or director of religious education.

Please share your pro-life fiction suggestions in the comments! Let’s make use of every method we can for transforming the culture into a pro-life one, protecting the unborn, and making abortion unthinkable.

Most of the books above can be found on and all are available on Amazon or wherever you buy books.

New Release – St. Patrick-themed anthology!


TREASURES: VISIBLE & INVISIBLE by 8 Catholic Teen Books authors

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

Matthew 13:44

Do you enjoy themed short story anthologies? I do! I love writing a faith-filled story that fits a theme, and I love reading short story collections that center around themes.

I wrote the first short story in the Treasures: Visible & Invisible anthology: “Treasure in the Bogs.” Then as I read the other 7 stories, I was simply amazed at how skillfully each author developed the Saint Patrick theme.

It’s also fun to note that the stories in this teen fiction anthology are in a variety of genres: saint stories, historical fiction, contemporary fiction, mystery, and even dystopian! And the authors who wrote these stories are all authors, many award-winning and bestselling authors.

In this blog post you can watch the book trailer, read early reviews, enter a giveaway, learn about the authors, and find out how to get a copy of this book today!

8 Short Stories by 8 Catholic Teen Books Authors

  • A teen boy sets out to save a friend from pagan druids, but maybe he’s the one who needs saving.
  • Between a baffling scripture verse and a visit from Heaven, a young monk is in for the surprise of his life.
  • A young girl seeks a mysterious treasure that holds the key to granting a nun’s dying wish.
  • Honora is desperate—then a peculiar clover and a mysterious young man change everything.
  • William’s weekend job is a little gift from heaven, but now his family needs a real miracle.
  • When threatened by mobsters, Grace receives help from a surprising source.
  • Alone and afraid, a young girl finds friendship in a stranger. But could this boy be trouble?
  • Kyle was determined to save the precious relic – but now his whole family is in danger.

“I invite teens, and readers of all ages, to stand on the craggy wind-swept cliff of your imagination, and experience the collection of stories called, Treasures: Visible and Invisible, created by the talented team of authors from Catholic Teen Books. With a shamrock as our touchstone, this book takes us on a journey through an expanse of time from ancient to modern. Be inspired by the holy greatness of heroism rooted in the spiritual treasures of the Emerald Isle.”

  ~Cathy Gilmore, Creator and advocator of stories that inspire heroic virtue

“We thoroughly enjoyed this cleverly written book about the intercession of St. Patrick throughout the ages. The combination of dynamic characters and intriguing stories kept us hooked from start to finish. A valuable addition to your St. Patrick’s Day bookshelf!”

~Jennifer & Kate Waldyke, Co-hosts of Catholic Mom and Daughter


Get your copy here!

Can’t get it in time for Saint Patrick’s Day? This anthology would make a perfect Easter gift for your teen!

Mark Treasures: Visible & Invisible “want to read” in Goodreads HERE.

The images below represent each of the short stories in this anthology!



In a world where today’s young adults are constantly surrounded by media that is trying desperately to tear them down, it is a blessing to have books like this that reaffirms our Catholic faith.  Not only does each author give us a great story to read, they also challenge us to think about things like: the hardships of people in our ancient church, putting Grandma first on our social calendars, praying to God when in the midst of fear and suffering, staying strong in our faith while looking death in the face, listening to unlikely friends who lead us on the path to Christ, and ultimately realizing there is sacredness in the relics of our church.  You only find stories that build our faith like this in very special books.  The “building-up”of today’s youth is at the very heart and soul of what the authors are trying to do here, and they have done an amazing job.
~Beth Ruggiero, Lit by the Tree, Literature reviews from the Catholic side.

This is the third collection from the authors of Catholic Teen Books. It was an inspiring read. Some stories are of miracles and others about change. Two contributors from the previous collection did not contribute and two new ones have joined the fray. In this collection are 8 stories from the 14 authors who currently compose the collective. My first thought was wow! What an amazing collection of stories around Saint Patrick! I am aware that not everyone likes short stories, but I love them, and this collection is amazing! Short stories are a different art form than novels, and not all novelists have mastered the craft. For a short story to be good, the writing needs to be tighter, cleaner, and crisper. And each of the 8 in this collection is extremely well written…
~Steven R. McEvoy, (Full review on

What a gift to Catholic teens and their families! Each piece in this collection of stories revolving around St Patrick is a beautiful portrayal of the faith. These are wholesome, engaging, and inspiring tales from a variety of genres that will both entertain and spiritually nourish every reader who picks up this book.  
~Katie Fitzgerald,

Blog Tour Schedule

March 5           Bonnie Way                The Koala Mom                    

March 6           Leslea Wahl                Ministry Thru Mystery

March 7           Carolyn Astfalk          My Scribbler’s Heart

March 8           Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur   Spiritual Woman

March 9           Erin Broestl                Eight Hobbits

March 10         Corinna Turner           UnSeen Books Blog

March 11         Amanda Lauer  

March 12         Sarah Damm     

March 13         Barb Szyszkiewicz     FranciscanMom                     

March 14         Theresa Linden          Things Visible & Invisible

March 15         Steven R. McEvoy     Book Reviews and More

March 16         Lisa Hendey     

March 17         Catholic Teen Books  Catholic Teen Books

Who are the authors?

THERESA LINDEN is the author of award-winning Catholic fiction, including the West Brothers contemporary series and the Chasing Liberty dystopian trilogy. One of her great joys is to bring elements of faith to life through a story. She has more than a dozen published books, three of which won awards from the Catholic Press Association. Her short stories appear in several anthologies, including Secrets: Visible & Invisible, and Gifts: Visible & Invisible. Her articles and interviews can be found on various radio shows and in magazines, including EWTN’s The Good Fight, The National Catholic Register, Catholic Digest, Today’s Catholic Teacher, and Catholic Mom. Her books are featured online on Catholic Teen Books, Catholic Reads, FORMED, and Virtue Works Media. A wife, homeschooling mom, and Secular Franciscan, she resides in northeast Ohio with her husband and children. You can learn more about her at

SUSAN PEEK is a wife, mother, grandmother, Third Order Franciscan, and bestselling Catholic novelist. Her passion is writing stories of little-known saints and heroes. All her young adult novels have been awarded the coveted Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval and are implemented into Catholic school curricula not only across the nation, but in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand as well. Saint Magnus the Last Viking and The King’s Prey: Saint Dymphna of Ireland were both Amazon #1 Sellers among Catholic books. The King’s Prey was also voted one of Catholic Reads TOP 10 BEST CATHOLIC BOOKS OF 2017 and was a Finalist for the 2018 Catholic Arts and Letters Award. Crusader King was featured as one of the 50 Most Popular Catholic Homeschooling Books in 2013. Susan lives in northeastern Kansas, where she can usually be found with her nose in a book, researching obscure saints to write about. Visit her at

ANTONY BARONE KOLENC is the author of The Harwood Mysteries, an exciting historical-fiction series for youth published by Loyola Press. He is a long-time member of the Catholic Writers Guild, and his novels all have the Catholic Writers Guild’s Seal of Approval. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the U.S. Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps after 21 years of military service. A law professor who’s had his works published in numerous journals and magazines, Kolenc now speaks at legal, writing, and home-education events. He and his wife, Alisa, are the parents of five children, and have been blessed with three wonderful grandchildren. To learn more about The Harwood Mysteries and its author, visit

AMANDA LAUER loves writing books—particularly Young Adult Historic Fiction—that portray the Church in a positive light and depict God’s children endeavoring to become the best version of themselves every day. A journalist and proofreader by trade, Amanda embarked on her novelist career with the award-winning and best-selling Heaven Intended Civil War series. A World Such as Heaven Intended earned the 2016 YA CALA award. Currently Amanda has several more books in the process of being published.

In addition to writing novels, Amanda works in the film industry writing and copy-editing screenplays. She was awarded Best Writer 2020 (Red Letter Awards) for her work as a co-writer on the movie The Islands. To learn more about Amanda, who’s lucky and blessed to be living in a world such as heaven intended, visit her web site:

CAROLYN ASTFALK writes from the sweetest place on Earth, Hershey, Pennsylvania, where she lives with her husband and four children. In addition to her contemporary Catholic romances (sometimes referred to as Theology of the Body fiction), including the young adult coming-of-age story Rightfully Ours, she is a contributor. She is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild and Pennwriters. When she is not washing dishes, doing laundry, or reading, you can find her blogging about books, faith, and family life at

LESLEA WAHL is the author of the award-winning Catholic teen mysteries The Perfect Blindside, An Unexpected Role, Where You Lead, and eXtreme Blindside. The characters in this short story, Luke, Celia, Austin, and Grandma Grace, appear in her newest adventurous novel, A Summer to Treasure. Leslea’s journey to become an author came through a search for value-based fiction for her own children. She now not only writes for teens but also has become a reviewer of Catholic teen fiction to help other families discover faith-based books. Leslea lives in beautiful Colorado with her husband and children. The furry, four-legged members of her family often make cameo appearances in her novels. Leslea has always loved mysteries and hopes to encourage teens to grow in their faith through these fun adventures. For more information about her faith-filled Young Adult mysteries, please visit

T. M. GAOUETTE is the author of the Faith & Kung Fu series for young adults, as well as The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch and For Eden’s Sake. She also contributed to the last two Catholic Teen Books anthologies, Secrets: Visible & Invisible with her short story “Sister Francesca” and Gifts: Visible & Invisible with “Just Jesus.” Her novels have received the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval (except new releases for which the seal may be in process). Born in Africa, raised in London, England, Gaouette now lives on a small farm in New England with her husband, where she homeschools their four children, raises goats, and writes fiction for teens and young adults. A former contributor for Project Inspired, Gaouette’s desire is to instill the love of God into the hearts of her readers. You can find out more at

CORINNA TURNER is the author of the I Am Margaret and unSPARKed series for young adults, as well as stand-alone works such as Elfling and Mandy Lamb and the Full Moon (for teens) and Someday (for older teens and adults). She has just released The Boy Who Knew (Carlo Acutis) the first book in her new Friends in High Places series about friendship with the saints. All of her novels have received the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval (except new releases for which the seal may be in process). Liberation (‘I Am Margaret’ Book 3) was nominated for the Carnegie Medal Award 2016 and Elfling won first prize for “Teen and Young Adult Fiction” in the Catholic Press Association 2019 Book Awards. Several of her other books have been placed in the CPA Awards and the Catholic Arts and Letters Award.

Corinna Turner is a Lay Dominican with an MA in English from Oxford University, and lives in the UK. She has been writing since she was fourteen and likes strong protagonists with plenty of integrity. She used to have a Giant African Land Snail called Peter with a 6½” long shell—which is legal in the UK!—but now makes do with a cactus and a campervan. You can find out more at

Visit the Catholic Teen Books website and learn more about the book and the authors HERE.



****Updated June 12, 2020****

I am sad to learn that the IHM Homeschooling Conferences have been cancelled.

I feel bad that homeschooling families will not have this opportunity this year. It’s great to hear inspiring talks about homeschooling. Mother Miriam of the Lamb of God was going to give a talk. Several priests and even Laura Berquist was going to be there, at the national conference.

It’s also a wonderful opportunity to meet other homeschooling families. And to actually see curriculum materials and Catholic books, to be able to hold them in your hands and flip through the pages so that you really know what you’re buying.

I was going to be one of the vendors, selling my Catholic fiction and books by other Catholic Teen Books authors at a discount. I’ve enjoyed meeting families at past conferences and being able to talk about Catholic fiction with parents and teen readers. Now we can’t do that.

I have all the books here, packed away in boxes. Whenever I look at them, I feel bad that the books won’t get to the teens who might enjoy and benefit from them.

We know stories can be powerful because Jesus taught with stories! These books are potential instruments for good!

So here’s what I’m going to do: even though we can’t meet in person at the conferences, I’m going to sell the books at the conference discount today. That’s $10 a book. I have a limited number of each title, so it will be on a first-come, first-served basis. And I’ll ship them out immediately, so your teens can have them for summer reading too.

I’ll provide the titles with short descriptions in this post, along with links to the author’s websites if you want to know more about certain titles. I welcome your questions about the books, study guides, and authors. Leave your questions in the comments, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Buyers can pay by check, PayPal, or credit card (you’ll get an invoice and pay online through Square). Simply tell me which titles you want. Email your selection to I will fill them in the order received.

Note: most, if not all of these books, have the Catholic Writers Guild “Seal of Approval” for quality and Catholic content. Many have been recommended on, Catholic Reads, and Virtue Works Media.

Most of what I have is teen fiction but some are adult titles and I even have children’s books!

Okay, here come the books!

Contemporary Fiction for Teens

Books with pro-life themes.

We teach our teens about life issues, but a story can bring those teachings to a deeper level. Through these stories, readers can gain insight and develop empathy for others, while also seeing the Catholic approach to the sanctity of human life. We want our teens to be able to understand, take ownership of, and even to defend important pro-life truths. Fiction is another tool that can help make those goals a reality.

For Eden’s Sake: New release! Endorsed by Alveda King, this contemporary page-turner gives a guy’s perspective on the abortion issue. Readers can’t say enough good things about it. Learn more about it and get the FREE discussion guide HERE. (I have enough copies for a book club).

***SOLD OUT*** Life-Changing Love: A West Brothers story with themes related to contemporary dating practices and courtship. A teen character supports another in choosing life. Touches on the baby’s development in the womb and the importance of confronting another to save an unborn child. FREE study guides and discussion guide HERE. ***SOLD OUT***

BREACH!: A heart-warming, pulse-pounding, pro-life adventure about taking responsibility for your mistakes–and staying alive! A great pro-life novel for teen boys and young men.

Books with pro-life themes for mature teens, college students, or Mom

Anyone but Him: a pro-life mystery romance for new adults. A story about second chances. “In addition to the love story, which is incredibly clean and honors the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, this story is brimming with suspense and mystery.” New adult characters make this suitable for older teens, college-age, and mom! I have enough copies for your book club too. No discussion guide yet. If you want one, let me know. Learn more about the book HERE.

***SOLD OUT*** All in Good Time: A realistic, clean Catholic romance between a harried widow of little children, a guy who’s been single too long. How pornography touches us all – not just men, but women and kids too – by degrading the dignity of the human person and how the damage done can be restored. This is a clean Catholic romance for adults. Attention book clubs: find FREE discussion questions on the author’s website. Visit the author website to learn more about this and the next book. ***SOLD OUT***

Ornamental Graces: A realistic, pro-life Catholic romance with love, mercy, and a sprinkling of chocolate chip cookies and lavender. It emphasizes the far-reaching effects of abortion and God’s infinite mercy. Attention book clubs: find FREE discussion questions on the author’s website.

If you have questions about a book or series, either email me at or ask in the comments.

Contemporary novels for teens

The stories in this category take place in contemporary times and present challenges teens face, but each of these stories also contains elements of faith and Catholic themes. These stories will challenge and inspire and hopefully awaken within readers joy in the faith.

***SOLD OUT*** Extreme Blindside: by award-winning Leslea Wahl, this adventure story that combines mystery and a hint of romance with messages of faith. Promotes purity and focusing on Christ. Find the FREE study guide HERE. Visit the author website to learn more about her books. ***SOLD OUT***

***SOLD OUT*** An Unexpected Role: also by Wahl. The devastation of a ruined summer. The gift of a second chance. As Josie sets out to solve the mystery, she realizes the importance of relying on her faith and discovering God’s will. FREE study guide HERE. ***SOLD OUT***

***SOLD OUT***The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch: Currently assigned in some Catholic schools, themes include children in foster care, overcoming past adversity and using it to strengthen our future. Suitable for junior high too. Check out the FREE discussion guide. Visit the author website to learn more about this and her other books. ***SOLD OUT***

West Brothers series: the final book is coming soon! Watch the BOOK TRAILER HERE!

***SOLD OUT*** Roland West, Loner, and Life-Changing Love are ***SOLD OUT*** (I can order books directly from the printer and honor the conference discount, if interested in this series)

Each story in this contemporary series brings the Catholic faith to the challenges teens face. These stories highlight the unique aspects of our faith, especially those that inspired me as a teen, that helped me to realize that I wasn’t alone and that God was real and He loves me deeply! Themes include the Communion of Saints, Eucharistic miracles, pro-life and pro-chastity themes, guardian angels (using teachings of Thomas Aquinas), vocational discernment, the Brown Scapular, same-sex attraction, true compassion, and having the courage to speak up for the truth especially when it’s hard. Student and teacher study guides plus discussion guides FREE HERE. Visit the author website to learn more about individual titles.

If you are new to this series, get the complete set for $50 and I will throw in FREE study guides in paperback format–while supplies last They are always free in digital format on my website.

Faith & Kung Fu series: Characters face contemporary issues including chastity, modesty, drug use, and other temptations. Stories show how God’s strength can help overcome all temptations. FREE study guides are available for every book in the series. Learn more about the books and enjoy book trailers and first chapters HERE.

If you have questions about a book or series, either email me at or ask in the comments.

Dystopian titles

Do you and your teens enjoy a good dystopian? These stories are typically set in a dark future where the main character is unsatisfied. A good dystopian can motivate people to take a hard look at the world around them. It can help readers to visualize a potential future, to consider where we are headed if we don’t change direction. It can help us realize what we have and what we stand to lose. A good dystopian can also show that no matter how dark the world around us becomes, we each still have that inner voice. And it can bring home the message that you are responsible for the culture, and you can make a difference in your own unique way.

I Am Margaret  series: In a totalitarian atheist state of the future, a young woman rejects the accepted wisdom that the imperfect are more use dead than alive, and that religious belief is a threat to society. A series about fighting the culture of death.

***SOLD OUT: The Three Most Wanted and Liberation ***

I do have several copies of the first book in the series with the new cover. Also, Margo’s Diary and the novella Brothers are each only $5. The novella would be a great introduction to the series and is suitable for younger readers too, like junior high age.

Note: Corinna Turner is offering “Lockdown Sale” prices for her books, so check out those deals first. They might be better than the $10 a book that I can offer. Visit the author website to learn more about the books and her deal!

Chasing Liberty series: a hard look at where our country/world is headed if we elevate the earth above man, lose the traditional family, and no longer have the freedom to practice faith. In this dark future, human life begins in the laboratory and the government indoctrinates from cradle to grave. Check out the extensive study/discussion guide–which is FREE.

***SOLD OUT*** Books 1 & 3 are ***SOLD OUT*** (I can order books directly from the printer and honor the conference discount for this trilogy)

Appropriate for students studying American Government/Civics, Ethics/Morality, or American History. (Book 3 recounts specific events in American Revolutionary War history as experienced through 3D gaming.)

If you have questions about a book or series, either email me at or ask in the comments.

Saint Stories and a Devotional

Saints are the best role models, especially the ones Susan Peek chooses for her fast-paced stories for teens. They stir up a desire for something beyond what this world has to offer. Susan Peek is one of my all time favorite authors. Her writing style is clean, stories fast-paced, and the faith elements are so powerful that they stay with you for a long time after you’ve finished the book.

The King’s Prey: A story about Saint Dymphna with themes including purity and mental and emotional instability. As two estranged brothers risk everything to save Dymphna from her deranged father and his sinful desires? This book would be great for a book club and I have enough copies.

A Soldier Surrenders: A fast-paced and inspiring story of the soldier-of-fortune who became an intrepid Soldier of Christ. The story of St. Camillus de Lellis will appeal even to those who don’t normally like to read! Visit the author’s website to learn more about her saint stories for teens and children. She has many more books.

Daily Pilgrimage to Purgatory: this is the only non-fiction among the books I have here. It is a reprinting of a beautiful classic devotion for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Get it for $7.00. Learn more HERE.

Junior High and Up

Secrets: Visible & Invisible’s first anthology, contains 7 amazing stories in a variety of genres, each with the theme of “secrets.” Discussion questions FREE HERE. Learn more about this book with a foreword by Mark Hart of Life Teen International.

Gifts: Visible & Invisible – a Christmas-themed short story anthology that can be enjoyed all year round. Cathy Gilmore of Virtue Works Media says the authors show readers “your life can be a GREAT story, one that includes a lifestyle of authentic Catholic faith.” Learn more HERE.

Mandy Lamb and the Full Moon: This rural fantasy deals with free will, friendship, and touches lightly on the dangers of genetic manipulation. Tweens and teens on up. I just loved this story. It’s so fun and unique, with beautiful messages and a lot of action.

Fiction for adults or mature teens

Tortured Soul – Set in modern times, this supernatural thriller is loosely based on the apparitions of souls in purgatory to Eugenie von der Leyen (1976-1929). “Tortured Soul gives an accurate, captivating, and novel way for readers to learn about and better understand the Church’s teaching on purgatory” ~Susan Tassone, The Purgatory Lady. Learn more on the author’s website.

Someday: In 2014, 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped from their school in Nigeria. What if it had happened in the West? This is their story–brought closer to home. Sold in aid of charity Aid to the Church in Need. “…an important novella that highlights the largely unsung heroism of persecuted Christians, and should make those of us in ‘safe’ countries consider: are we ready to count the cost?” ~Regina Doman, author of The Fairytale Novels. Learn more on the author’s website.

If you have questions about a book or series, either email me at or ask in the comments.

Children’s Books

Last but not least, I have a few children’s books available!

Molly McBride: I have several copies of these three Molly McBride books! Looking for books that gently encourage vocations? These beautifully illustrated books are perfect for children ages 4-7.

“It’s a fun, sweet series filled with virtue and simple lessons about the Catholic faith to inspire young readers.” Visit the author website to learn more about this delightful series for children. And in case you were wondering: there really is an order of purple nuns!

Saint Clare and Her Cat is the next book by children’s favorite Dessi Jackson. With lovely artwork and a glimpse into the life of Saint Clare, children are bound to love this book. Available now for $10. Learn more about the book HERE.

Check out Franciscan Friars reading this book to their cat!

Belt of Truth: I’ve got copies of book one in the fantasy-adventure Armor of God children’s chapter book series. The series is based on the Scriptural Armor of God in Ephesians 6:13-17.

This book is $8.00. It’s the same as the Amazon price. Sorry. But I couldn’t reduce it because it’s already as low as it can go.

The second book in the series, Breastplate of Righteousness, is a new release, available on Amazon or through your favorite bookseller!

Learn more about the Armor of God series, including book two HERE.

Okay, that’s all I’ve got! Email me at to give me your list. Unless otherwise noted, each book is $10 plus shipping. I will use media mail to keep the cost as low as possible. And you are free to pay by check, PayPal, or credit card. Let me know what you prefer in the email.

If you have questions about a book or series, either email me at or ask in the comments. I’ll get back to you quickly and I’ll even reach out to the various authors for questions related to their books.

Happy homeschooling!



This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Carolyn Astfalk’s book, “All in Good Time. It is a 2020 CWG Seal of Approval recipient! 

Brian’s finally found the woman he’s meant for. So why is everything falling apart? Physical trials, old temptations, and a new menace threaten to keep him and Melanie apart.



With three rambunctious, young children, Melanie Lombardi can’t see beyond the day-to-day struggle to maintain her home and her sanity since her husband’s sudden death. A second chance at romance isn’t on her radar.

Brian Perella is done with dating, resigned to being the fun uncle and never the dad. Until he meets Melanie and her brood of lively kids on the sidelines of a Little League game. 

But when Brian uncovers a co-worker’s secret, it re-ignites a temptation that Melanie can’t know about. It’s his secret to keep until an unexpected diagnosis brings everything to the surface, jeopardizing his future with Melanie and her children, who, when threatened by an unknown stalker, may need him now more than ever.


He’d finally met the woman who was, quite literally, an answer to years of prayers. Hadn’t God confirmed as much in his heart?

To ask “Why me?” seemed arrogant. Why not him? Brian Perella was no better than anybody else. He didn’t deserve an exemption from suffering.

The question he couldn’t answer, the one that had already begun to fester deep in his soul, echoed in his mind.

Why now?

– Excerpt from All in Good Time

My Review:

The characters in this story feel so real. So three-dimensional. They have strengths and weaknesses, hopes and dreams, and face trials and challenges that many can relate to, especially in our contemporary culture.
Brian Perella loves kids and has wanted to be a husband and father, but he has yet to find “the one” and he’s almost given up. Then one day, it seems God has dropped the woman of his dreams—Melanie Lombardi—into his lap! He’s a solid character and he’s great with kids, but he’s not sure he wants to start dating. I really enjoyed the tension between the two main characters before they decided to see each other. As the story progresses, we find that his past failings affect his ability to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with Melanie. This theme is so well done and helped me really consider the temptations and effects of pornography even after a person has given it up.
Melanie Lombardi is one tough woman. At least on the outside. Her husband recently passed away, leaving her with three young children. My heart really ached for her at times. She is an extremely likeable character, a good mom who tries to be responsible—but one person can’t keep track of everything, and this leads to some chaotic and humorous incidents in the story as she deals with the trials and joys of life with three children. I both admired and, at times, could relate to this character and her challenges.
As the story develops, a mystery (a threat) begins to appear. I admired how the author did this—so subtle and yet relevant, as you discover in the end.
This fictional story is not only enjoyable because of the characters and storyline; it carries relevant themes—tough themes that aren’t often dealt with in fiction but should be. We can read articles and studies about the challenges of single parenthood and of losing a spouse and of the long-term effects of giving into temptation and pornography, but reading a novel that deals with these issues takes it to a deeper level. We get to see the thoughts and experience the feelings these characters have throughout their challenges, failures, and victories.
I highly recommend this story as a great, clean romance novel with three-dimensional characters and important themes.


Web Site:


Carolyn Astfalk is a wife, mother, and author of contemporary Catholic romances Stay With MeCome Back to MeOrnamental GracesRightfully Ours, and All in Good Time. She formerly worked as a communications director and now works just to keep her head above water. Find her books on Amazon and her other words scattered around the blogosphere and social media.

Buy Link:


The ebook version will be on sale for 1/2 off (reg. price $4.99) through April 20.


A harried young widow. A reluctant bachelor with a shameful secret. An unseen threat to them all. 1/2 off in ebook! All in Good Time #CatholicRomance #Catholicsathome

Get Your Pro-life Fiction at Bringing America Back to Life Conference


This year’s conference takes place March 6th and 7th at the Embassy Suites in Independence, Ohio. Click HERE to check out the fantastic lineup of speakers! Click HERE for registration.

In addition to the awesome speakers I’ll be bringing a ton of pro-life fiction. And I do mean a ton!

You will be able to purchase titles by many Catholic Teen Books authors.

Fiction with Pro-Life Themes

For Eden’s Sake: New release! Endorsed by Alveda King, this contemporary page-turner gives a guy’s perspective on the abortion issue. Readers can’t say enough good things about it.

All in Good Time: A realistic, clean Catholic romance between a harried widow of little children, a guy who’s been single too long, and how pornography touches us all – not just men, but women and kids too – by degrading the dignity of the human person and how the damage done can be restored.

Life-Changing Love: themes related to contemporary dating practices and courtship. A teen character supports another in choosing life. Touches on the baby’s development in the womb and the importance of confronting another to save an unborn child.

BREACH!: A heart-warming, pulse-pounding, pro-life adventure about taking responsibility for your mistakes–and staying alive! The ultimate pro-life novel for teen boys and young men!

Contemporary books by Leslea Wahl: adventure stories that combine mystery and a hint of romance with messages of faith. Promotes purity and focusing on Christ.

The King’s Prey: A story about Saint Dymphna with themes including purity and mental and emotional instability. As two estranged brothers risk everything to save Dymphna from her deranged father and his sinful desires?

Anyone but Him: a pro-life mystery romance for new adults. A story about second chances. Brings the shocking abortion statistics to light through a character that has founds himself too close to the issue.

Ornamental Graces: A realistic, pro-life Catholic romance with love, mercy, and a sprinkling of chocolate chip cookies and lavender. It emphasizes the far-reaching effects of abortion and God’s infinite mercy.

The Destiny of Sunshine Ranch: Currently assigned in some Catholic schools, themes include children in foster care, overcoming past adversity and using it to strengthen our future.

Chasing Liberty series: a hard look at where our country/world is headed if we elevate the earth above man, lose the traditional family, and no longer have the freedom to practice faith. In this dark future, human life begins in the laboratory and the government indoctrinates from cradle to grave.

Mandy Lamb and the Full Moon: This rural fantasy deals with free will, friendship, and touches lightly on the dangers of genetic manipulation. Tweens and teens on up.

Faith & Kung Fu series: Characters face contemporary issues including chastity, modesty, drug use, and other temptations. Stories show how God’s strength can help overcome all temptations.

I Am Margaret  series:In a totalitarian atheist state of the future, a young woman rejects the accepted wisdom that the imperfect are more use dead than alive, and that religious belief is a threat to society. Fighting the culture of death.

Battle for His Soul: shows the detrimental effect of abortion on a guy who wanted his girlfriend to have one, even though she didn’t go through with it. 

Roland West, Outcast: themes include same-sex attraction, true compassion, and having the courage to speak up for the truth.

Someday: In 2014, 276 schoolgirls were kidnapped from their school in Nigeria. What if it had happened in the West? This is their story–brought closer to home. Sold in aid of charity Aid to the Church in Need.

Come to hear the speakers but also pick up some pro-life fiction for yourself and others in your life. Fiction is a great instrument for sharing faith.

All titles at a special

conference price of

$10 a book!

Contemporary ♦ romance ♦ mystery ♦ dystopian ♦saint stories♦ fantasy

Fiction that entertains, inspires and supports your faith.

These stories have Catholic characters and themes and Catholic solutions to age-old and contemporary issues, including those on the forefront of the abortion and sanctity of life issues. The Catholic elements are not presented in a preachy way that makes you think of a non-fiction but in an entertaining way that sucks you into the story through characters you can identify with who face trials, challenges, and victories that have you turning the page well past your bedtime.

Get copies for:

  • Yourself (you will enjoy and benefit from them)
  • your teens (they will thank you and have something to do that doesn’t require a battery or electricity)
  • your loved ones (they don’t realize Catholic fiction is a thing)
  • your book club (they won’t mind paying back $10)
  • your parish library (it needs new fiction)
  • your youth ministers (they like new ways to reach teens)
  • your parish priest (he doesn’t have time to read but he should make time)

All titles are available online or through your favorite bookstore. Discount available only at the conference.

Kids grow in their faith by learning about 8 great saints!


The North American Martyrs served among the Native Americans of eastern Canada and the United States in the 1600s. Their lives are an amazing testimony to their love for God and for their fellow men. They are giants of the faith, yet they were also ordinary men who struggled with everyday problems like poor health, depression, unfaithful friends, spiritual dryness, and more. Though they lived centuries ago, their lives can still inspire us in our faith.

The North American Martyrs Kids Activity Book will bring the lives of these holy men alive for Catholic children. This 135-page paperback book includes bios, discussion and reflection questions, word puzzles, mazes, colouring pages and more activities about the lives of the North American or Canadian Martyrs. There are also quotes from the saints and suggestions for applying what kids have learned from each saint to their own lives.

Kids ages 7-13 will learn about St. Isaac Jogues, St. Jean de Brebeuf, St. Antoine Daniel, St. Charles Garnier, St. Noel Chabanel, St. Rene Goupil, St. Gabriel Lalemant, St. Jean de Lalande and their friends and be inspired in their faith!

Intended for a multi-age audience, North American Martyrs Kids Activity Book can be used in catechism classes, homeschools, parish kids clubs, Catholic schools, and more.

Author Bonnie Way is a Catholic convert and homeschooling mom of 5 children. She and her family live in Vancouver, BC. She has a B.A. in English (with a minor in history) from Concordia University of Edmonton and a B.A. in Writing from the University of Victoria. She blogs about motherhood, homeschooling, books and more at

Illustrator Katherine Babcock is a mom of 4 children who lives in Victoria, BC. Her art explores the West Coast in a variety of mediums, from watercolour to pen and ink.

North American Martyrs Kids Activity Book is available on Amazon:

Learn more about the book:

Learn more about the martyrs:

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Book Tour for a Heart-pounding Adventure: BREACH!


This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Guildie Corinna Turner’s book, “BREACH!” It is a 2019 SOA award winner!

“BREACH! – Rampaging T. Rex? Bring it on! Tiny baby? Uh oh! A heart-warming, pulse-pounding, pro-life adventure about taking responsibility for your mistakes–and staying alive!”



Eighteen-year-old Isaiah and his older brother Zechariah are professional hunters, earning their living culling and capturing some of the most dangerous predators ever to walk the planet.When an out-of-control T. rex breaches a tourist resort Isaiah and Zech must act fast to save lives.Little does Isaiah know that a testy T. rex and three packs of hungry raptors will soon be the least of his problems. A much-regretted New Year’s Eve misadventure is about to cause a very different kind of breech—and change both their lives for good.


Father Ben looks at me for a long moment, like there’s a million questions—a million conversations—he’d like to have with me, but of course there’s no time. “Okay, you know the chaplet of Saint Desmond?”

“Yes.” Every hunter knows that one, Catholic or not. There’s not a lot of words to it, either. “Jesus, I trust in You,” is most of it.

“Say that every day for a week, for, er, for good judgment and strength of will. Okay, just tell me you’re sorry, and I’ll absolve you. I know you are, but just for the record, as it were.”

I squint at the air beside his head, picturing some sort of recording angel taking notes, and mumble the necessary words. “I absolve you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Right, you’re squeaky clean and ready to be eaten by raptors.”

I splutter, then laugh so hard I have to clutch my rib cage. “And what about you?” I demand at last.

He grins. “Not that long since I went to confession. I’ll take my chances.”

I grin back. “You’re a real cool customer, for a city-man. You know this is pretty dangerous, right?”

“I’d figured that out, yes. People to save, right?”

“Yeah. Let’s go, then.”


Corinna Turner has been writing since she was fourteen and likes strong protagonists with plenty of integrity. She has an MA in English from Oxford University, but has foolishly gone on to work with both children and animals! Juggling work with the disabled and being a midwife to sheep, she spends as much time as she can in a little hut at the bottom of the garden, writing. She is a Catholic Christian with roots in the Methodist and Anglican churches. A keen cinema-goer, she lives in the UK. She used to have a Giant Snail called Peter with a 6½” long shell (which is legal in the UK!), but now makes do with a cactus and a campervan!



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