No Bah, Humbug


With all the lock-downs, mask-ups, fake news, and the United States presidential elections up in the air, it’s hard to carry on as usual. But we are one month away from Christmas and we need to prepare!

Image by MLARANDA from Pixabay

So let’s back off from the news and social media for a bit, break out our Advent Wreaths, and replace our half-spent purple and pink candles. And let’s focus on preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That’s what Advent is about!

Let’s plan our Advent Scripture reading and prayers. Note: you can find inexpensive Catholic notebooks and prayer journals perfect for prayers and planning HERE.

Consider the traditions you have and those you’d like to add. Don’t let the craziness of the world stop you from enjoying Advent and Christmas traditions this year.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
  • Do you want to try a Jesse Tree with your children? Check out the Peg Doll Jesse Tree on Catholic Mom HERE.
  • What about celebrating St Nicholas Day? Check out this Catholic Mom article of ideas HERE.
  • Prepare Christmas cards, either homemade or store bought, and send hope-filled notes to friends and family.
  • Learn and teach your children about the Twelve Days of Christmas.
  • Plan your favorite Christmas cookies and get a few new recipes. See Carolyn Astfalk’s Virtual Christmas Cookie Swap for fun recipes HERE.
  • Make your gift list!
Image by monicore from Pixabay

I recommend keeping the gift list simple and meaningful to avoid over-commercializing Christmas. I also recommend books! And not just because I’m an author who’s about to recommend her Catholic fiction for kids, teens, and adults!

So why does faith-filled fiction make the perfect gift? Even though it’s not electronic, books entertain and they do it in a long-lasting way. A faith-filled story can move hearts and inspire readers. A powerful story can change someone’s understanding of a moral issue or deepen their empathy for others. It can even motivate one to overcome fear and step out in faith.

I became a Catholic writer because I believe in the power of faith-filled fiction in a person’s life. And I’ve received feedback from readers that has further convinced me that God continues to use stories to touch hearts, just as Jesus did 2000 years ago.

Fire Starters, a Confirmation story, the latest in the
contemporary teen fiction West Brothers series

Teen and adult readers have told me how Battle for His Soul has made them more aware of the spiritual battle and of their own guardian angel. One teen regained her faith after reading Roland West, Loner, and she deepened her understanding of God’s love for her after reading Life-Changing Love.

A man told me how purgatory soul story Tortured Soul helped him find forgiveness and offer prayers for someone that he’d had a hard time forgiving. This award-winning book, written for adults, is endorsed by Susan Tassone, the Purgatory Lady, and many have told me how it’s inspired them to pray more for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

You can learn more about my books on MY WEBSITE and go HERE to get the books at a 10% discount from November 20 to December 20. Use promo code: THANKSGIVING 2020 for 10% off your purchase.

In addition to recommending my books, I have discovered several Catholic fiction authors over the years: TM Gaouette, Susan Peek, Cynthia Toney, Leslea Wahl, Carolyn Astfalk, Corinna Turner . . . . The list of incredible Catholic authors goes on. I encourage you to visit where you will discover Catholic teen fiction in a variety of genres by those authors and more. CatholicTeenBooks offers themed book packs that would make for great gifts for the teen readers in your life.

And they now have book-club-in-a-box selections that include books and swag! Even if you don’t belong to a book club, you can get a “gift set”–a single copy of the book and swag.

In addition to recommending teen fiction, I have a few children’s books to suggest. I love how children appreciate books, reading their favorites over and over. It makes my heart happy to see young ones fall in love with books.

The first two in my Armor of God series are out now: Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness. These fantasy adventure chapter books are geared toward children preparing for or who’ve recently received the sacrament of Confession and have made/are preparing to make their First Holy Communion. Check the books out HERE.

For younger children, I recommend Saint Clare and Her Cat by Catholic author Dessi Jackson. Dessi writes the sweetest saint stories so be sure to hunt down more of her books where ever you buy books.

Visit Susan Peek’s website and Martina Parnelli for more Catholic children’s books. Check out my post about Catholic Stories for Children and Christmas Gift List: Catholic Children’s Books for more.

For Christmas themed books, please also watch Catholic Mom and Daughter on Youtube. They review books, so you can “see” the books and hear what these two love about each one. I just love to watch these two review books and they’ve even reviewed some of mine in the past!

So while the culture seems to get darker and darker, don’t get down. Don’t get depressed. No, bah, humbug. We are called to be light!

I pray that you are filled with joy this Advent season and that you let your light shine in the darkness. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and never forget: you were made for these days!

Have a Blessed Advent and a Holy Christmas!

Catholic Stories for Children


I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that time has been speeding along at a breakneck pace. I can’t believe it’s the middle of October now–and that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner!

Photo by Oleg Zaicev on

I love this time of the year. Here in northeast Ohio the leaves turn different shades of yellow, red, and orange. Winds pick up, sometimes chilly but often warm. We set ourselves to working hard at homeschooling, knowing that we have several months ahead. An introspective feeling seems to carry on the breeze and whisper through the windows and in my soul.

Photo by Thgusstavo Santana on

It is a time to offer thanksgiving for the lazy days and fun we had all summer long, the gifts from our little garden, and the other abundant blessings–even amidst the strangeness of this particular year.

No matter the setbacks and losses, who can doubt that God has showered each of us with blessings. He loves us each so very much and will stop at nothing to call us to even greater happiness. Let us thank God more fervently for the many gifts He gives us, for those interior and exterior, those visible and invisible, things of nature and supernatural gifts too.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

Let’s also pause to consider how we can share our blessings with others. We do that in many ways and many times throughout the year, but also as we prepare for Christmas. I love thinking of every person on my list and trying to come up with the perfect gift, one that fits his or her personality and that he or she might enjoy. It’s a bonus when I can find gifts that might also point a person to the giver of all good gifts: Our Lord.

Catholic fiction does just that. And it makes the perfect gift for children, who like to read stories again and again or even just enjoy the pictures.

I’ll share a few suggestions with you now.

On the road to San Damiano, Grandma Nonna shares with her grandson Antonio a once-upon-a-time story about Saint Clare. Full-color illustrations and a delightful tale capture the beauty and faith of Saint Clare as she pursues her vocation and embraces the joyful and simple Franciscan spirituality. Ever-appreciative of the little things, Clare’s happiness blossoms even more with her wonderful discovery of a tiny kitten.

Saint Clare and Her Cat by Dessi Jackson, illustrated by Martina Parnelli

Buy Now

For more Catholic saint stories for children by Catholic author Dessi Jackson, visit the author’s Amazon page HERE. For more Catholic children’s stories written and illustrated by Martina Parnelli, visit the author’s website HERE.

A baby reindeer who has yet to even receive his name is captured and taken to a new land. Meanwhile, as Christmas Eve draws near, a saintly bishop and a holy monk plan a surprise for the poor of their village. When their path crosses that of the baby reindeer, a legend is born. Delightful, full-color illustrations help tell the story.

Saint Rudolph and the Reindeer by Susan Peek, illustrated by Ann Peek

Buy Now

For more children’s saint stories by Susan Peek–and also saint stories for teens–visit the author’s website HERE.

This lovely read-aloud for ages newborn to 5 takes children on a journey steeped in the magical wonder of the moon and its Creator. A young girl travels from the city to the country, describing phases and aspects of the moonlight with a heartfelt understanding of beauty. “God put it there for all to see, but especially because He loves me.” Jean Schoonover- Egolf’s watercolor illustrations delight on this journey of simple faith and family life.

God Made the Moonlight by Erin Broestl, illustrated by Jean Schoonover-Egolf

Buy Now

For more books written and illustrated by Jean Schoonover-Egolf, be sure to check out her Molly McBride and the Purple Habit series on her website HERE.

George Pennington wants to be a knight! This is the first in the Armor of God six-book series of children’s fantasy-adventure chapter books. Illustrated with pen and ink drawings, this story tells the importance of telling the truth. It also includes mini-catechisms from “Brother Coll,” making it perfect for children preparing for their first Confession and First Holy Communion.

Belt of Truth by Theresa Linden, illustrated by Theresa Linden

Buy Now

For book two in the Armor of God series by Theresa Linden–and also for Catholic teen fiction, visit the author’s website HERE.

This one is for the teens, from junior high and up! This Christmas-themed anthology contains 8 short stories by the authors. Stories are in a variety of genres including contemporary, dystopian, historical, and a saint story.

Gifts Visible & Invisible by 8 authors

Buy Now

For more Catholic fiction for teens, visit There you’ll find over a dozen authors and many genres. Also short stories, novels, audiobooks, themed book packs, and gift packs–complete with swag!

Learn more HERE.

Feel free to share other book suggestions in the comments. Books really do make the best gifts!

Catholic Teen Books ~ FaceBook Christmas Party


What are you doing this Thursday, December 5th from 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST?

Several authors from are hosting a pre-Christmas party on Facebook. Won’t you please join us?

We will have games and prizes and a chance for authors and readers to get to know each other! No purchase necessary to play and win. You’ll find pictures of the prizes at the end of this post!

You stand a good chance of winning prizes but even if you don’t, maybe you’ll get some gift ideas! Books make great gifts, but faith-filled fiction is even better! Faith-filled Catholic fiction can inspire and support a teen in their faith and help them deal with the challenges today’s culture throws at them.

Who we are:

At you will find books in several genres: saint stories, mystery, contemporary, romance, fantasy, dystopian, speculative, and historical. Many of these books are award-winners. Many have been featured on Virtue Works Media and Catholic Reads. Many Catholic Teen Books authors have given presentations in schools and churches and might even be available to come to your parish, either in person or virtually.

Every book on the website reflects our faith through Catholic themes, characters, and perspectives. The characters in these stories struggle with challenges that we all face. Some stories follow the lives of saints, of those who dared to live counter-culturally and give themselves entirely to God. Other stories bring to light the beauty and power of the unique aspects of the Catholic faith. The Catholic element is more subtle in some works, but the worldview and themes bring the message of truth.

We hope that our fiction will challenge and inspire, that it will awaken within our readers some of the mystery, joy, and beauty of the Faith. We hope to stir within our readers a desire for something beyond themselves. Because God calls everyone to the fullness of faith and happiness, we invite readers of any faith or no faith at all to read our fiction.

Check out some of the prizes!

NOTE: If you plan to come, I encourage you to gather the following items for my game, which will be a SCAVENGER HUNT!

  • pencil
  • paper
  • family portrait
  • wedding ring (or any ring will do)
  • Christian Christmas ornament
  • Bible
  • I think that’s it but if there is something else, you’ll have time during the party to get it!

I hope to see you at the party!

Christmas Gift List: Catholic Children’s Books


What are you getting your children and grandchildren for Christmas? Clothes, toys, candy, electronic games? What about a gift that can give something deeper than any of those things?

Catholic children’s books delight and entertain, but they also inspire and feed the soul!

While you are making out your Christmas list, enjoy this list of Catholic children’s books, some picture books, others chapter books, all with beautiful themes. One Advent guide book is also on the list!

Author Dessi Jackson

On the road to San Damiano, Grandma Nonna shares with her grandson Antonio a once-upon-a-time story about Saint Clare. Full-color illustrations and a delightful tale capture the beauty and faith of Saint Clare as she pursues her vocation and embraces the joyful and simple Franciscan spirituality. Ever-appreciative of the little things, Clare’s happiness blossoms even more with her wonderful discovery of a tiny kitten.


author Karen Kelly Boyce

A Christmas Calamity Avoided!

Can the Sisters raise enough money to buy Christmas gifts for children in need? Or will they be stuck with a lot of unwanted Christmas trees?

Meet the Sisters of the Last Straw, a community of Sisters trying hard to overcome their bad habits. Join these lovable misfit nuns in their latest adventure as they learn to bring their problems to God in prayer…and try to catch a Christmas tree thief!


Author Jean Schoonover-Egolf

The kindergarten class at Holy Trinity School is having a Christmas pageant, complete with stable, angels, barn animals, and baby Jesus. Molly McBride thinks she’s a shoo-in for the role of Mary, while her bestie, priest-wanna-be Dominic, has his heart set on the role of Joseph. But Mrs. Rose, kindergarten teacher extraordinaire, might not have quite the same “vision” for this year’s Nativity that the kids have, leading to an upset that snowballs into a lesson on obedience.

Will Molly’s feisty temperament ruin the whole play? Or will she find the strength, through the intercession of the Blessed Mother, to say, “Thy will be done?”


Author Erin Broestl

In this lovely read-aloud for ages 3 to 5, children embark upon on a journey steeped in the magical wonder of the moon and its Creator. A young girl travels from the city to the country, describing phases and aspects of the moonlight with a heartfelt understanding of beauty. “God put it there for all to see, but especially because He loves me.” Jean Schoonover- Egolf’s watercolor illustrations delight on this journey of simple faith and family life.


Author Theresa Linden

Book 1 in the Armor of God children’s chapter book series, based on the Scriptural armor of God.

George Pennington wants to be a knight! He bravely faces the fearsome head knight at the annual “tryouts,” hoping to be among the few accepted to Knight School for Boys and Girls. When he accidentally burns his mother’s cherished tapestry, is his chance at Knight School over? A lie seems like the best solution. As lying becomes easier for George, he discovers that students must earn the first piece of armor: The Belt of Truth.


Author Susan Peek

A baby reindeer longs for a name. Before his mother can choose one, invaders come and the herd flees . . . except for him. His wobbly legs are too weak to run. Captured and taken to a new land, the little reindeer yearns for escape . . . and for a friend. Meanwhile, as Christmas Eve draws near, a saintly bishop and a holy monk plan a surprise for the poor of their village. When problems arise, all seems doomed, until their paths cross with that of the baby reindeer . . . and a legend is born.


Author Bonnie Way

The North American Martyrs (also known as the Canadian Martyrs) were six Jesuit priests and two laymen who gave their lives for the love of God and the First Nations people of Canada and the United States. St. Isaac Jogues, St. Jean de Brebeuf, St. Antoine Daniel, St. Rene Goupil, St. Charles Garnier, St. Noel Chabanel, St. Jean de la Lande and St. Gabriel Lalement were courageous yet ordinary men who still inspire us today. This book is filled with stories, activities, reflection questions, colouring pages and more to help your children learn about these exciting saints and apply what they learn about their faith to their own lives.


Author Aleesa McCarthy

This Advent guide book is a small help for you to lead your little ones through the Advent season. It is not a daily activity book that children can sit down with on their own. It is a resource guide for you use with little ones. There is a fillable calendar, coloring pages, activity suggestions, a general guide for the Advent season, and a page of holy cards for some saints that fall within Advent. This book is designed with blank pages for you to be able to cut pages out to use. There is also permission granted to photocopy the pages for home use only because so you can accommodate multiple children. This is a resource you can use year after year as you observe Advent with little ones! Saints included in this book are: St. Andrew, St. Francis Xavier, St. Nicholas, St. Ambrose, Immaculate Mary, St. Juan Diego, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Lucy, St. John of the Cross, St. Adelaide, St. Peter Canisius, and the Holy Family.


Author Kimberly Fries

The Rosary for Little Ones introduces the mysteries of the rosary in a simple, yet engaging way. Each mystery has a short description, as well as a sweet prayer, the perfect length for children to read themselves or for a family to engage children of all ages. Each decade also includes a set of ten little roses for small fingers to follow along with each prayer. A beautiful and practical book for families with young children, desiring to pray the rosary and add more roses to Jesus and Mary’s heavenly crowns.


Author RCL Benziger

This book celebrates the many ways people of different cultures express the Catholic faith in their churches, neighborhoods, and homes. As the Good News of Jesus spread around the world, people in every culture found special ways to express their faith in God. Through the ritual words and gestures of popular devotions, Catholics show their love for God and devotion to Mary and the saints. 

It is our prayer that through this book your family will experience God in new ways in your everyday lives. May the diverse and rich traditions of families and the Church from around the world lead you to find new ways of living out your faith. May the beauty of these devotions remind us that we are one family in Jesus Christ, sharing God’s love in our homes, churches, and communities.


Looking for something for a teen? Gifts: Visible & Invisible is a Christmas-themed short story collection by eight different authors and with stories in several genres. authors

Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:17 RSV-CE)

As described by Cathy Gilmore of Virtue Works Media, who provides the foreword, “These authors don’t tell you to ‘Dare to be different.’ They show you. They whisper to your soul in characters, dialogue, and settings that your life can be a GREAT story, one that includes a lifestyle of authentic Catholic faith.”


If you plan to give books as a gift for family and/or friends, please share the titles in the comments! Let’s make this list grow!

This month I am linking up to Carolyn Astalk’s An Open Book Blog!

New Contemporary Christian Novel: All in Good Time


I highly recommend this story as an enjoyable, clean romance novel with three-dimensional characters and important themes.

Theresa Linden
Just came out October 22, on the Feast of Pope St. John Paul II


All in Good Time – With three rambunctious, young children, Melanie Lombardi can’t see beyond the day-to-day struggle to maintain her home and her sanity since her husband’s sudden death. A second chance at romance isn’t on her radar.

Brian Perella is done with dating, resigned to being the fun uncle and never the dad. Until he meets Melanie and her brood of lively kids on the sidelines of a Little League game.

But when Brian uncovers a co-worker’s secret, it re-ignites a temptation that Melanie can’t know about. It’s his secret to keep until an unexpected diagnosis brings everything to the surface, jeopardizing his future with Melanie and her children, who, when threatened by an unknown stalker, may need him now more than ever.


The characters in this story feel so real. So three-dimensional. They have strengths and weaknesses, hopes and dreams, and face trials and challenges that many can relate to, especially in our contemporary culture.

Brian Perella loves kids and has wanted to be a husband and father, but he has yet to find “the one” and he’s almost given up. Then one day, it seems God has dropped the woman of his dreams—Melanie Lombardi—into his lap! He’s a solid character and he’s great with kids, but he’s not sure he wants to start dating. I really enjoyed the tension between the two main characters before they decided to see each other. As the story progresses, we find that his past failings affect his ability to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with Melanie. This theme is so well done and helped me really consider the temptations and effects of pornography even after a person has given it up.

Melanie Lombardi is one tough woman. At least on the outside. Her husband recently passed away, leaving her with three young children. My heart really ached for her at times. She is an extremely likeable character, a good mom who tries to be responsible—but one person can’t keep track of everything, and this leads to some chaotic and humorous incidents in the story as she deals with the trials and joys of life with three children. I both admired and, at times, could relate to this character and her challenges.

As the story develops, a mystery (a threat) begins to appear. I admired how the author did this—so subtle and yet relevant, as you discover in the end.

This fictional story is not only enjoyable because of the characters and storyline; it carries relevant themes—tough themes that aren’t often dealt with in fiction but should be. We can read articles and studies about the challenges of single parenthood and of losing a spouse and of the long-term effects of giving into temptation and pornography, but reading a novel that deals with these issues takes it to a deeper level. We get to see the thoughts and experience the feelings these characters have throughout their challenges, failures, and victories.

promo images by JustRead

Visit Carolyn Astfalk’s BLOG post to read why she writes romance that tackles tough sexual morality issues that people don’t want to talk about.

In the days since All in Good Time‘s release, a few people have commented about my “bravery” in tackling the pornography issue in this novel.

~ Carolyn Astfalk, Relevant Fiction for Body and Soul


As an ebook:
Nook, Kobo, Apple Books, and more

In paperback:

Christmas Gift Ideas for Catholic Children


Books by Susan Peek,

author of fast-paced saint stories

ChristmasFrontCoverMeet Saint Anastasia, one of the greatest Christmas saints and the Patroness of Martyrs. Take her hand and let her lead you to the Crib! For centuries, this humble and unassuming martyr has remained hidden in the shadows of the stable. Yet of all the saints in Heaven, she is the only one whose feast day falls on Christmas itself! It’s about time she stepped forward and made some new friends! Join Saint Anastasia and her best friend, Saint Theodota, as they bravely prove their love for God and neighbor, even unto the sacrifice of their own lives.

AOGfrontCoverChildren’s Stories of Animals Who Encountered Saints . . . Told from the Animals’ Points of View! Three delightful stories for young Catholics, beautifully illustrated with black and white drawings. Includes Bonus Reproducible Coloring Book in the back! Stories in Volume One: “The Little Lamb’s Wish”  “The Hungry Gray Mule” and “The Loyal Friend”

AOGV2cover final front cover animals of god volume two (2)Two more stories of animals that encountered saints…told by the animals’ points of view! Stories include: “The Lion Who Lost His Appetite” Rex the Lion has it made. A delightful tale of a saint’s unwavering trust and God’s infinite power, told from the lion’s point of view! “Cuthbert for Breakfast” An endearing story of brotherly love and God’s unfailing mercy, told by the little goose’s point of view!

SmallFrontCoverGOD and learned to love Him enormously! Being different from others is never easy. Saint John the Dwarf, of all people, could tell you that! Forever standing on chairs to reach things, unable to play games with other children because of his size, and being teased by the village bullies were all hard things to bear, and could have made John bitter and full of self-pity. But John discovered a secret – a great BIG secret – which changed his life and turned him into a giant of a saint. Join Little John on his adventures – from his home to a desert cave, to the altar and beyond – and let him teach you his secret of holiness too!

WilliamFrontCoverMeet Saint William, a young French nobleman who could have had it all . . . and gave it all up!Riches, fame, knighthood, an easy life in a grand castle. These were the things that rightly belonged to William by his noble birth. Instead he chose to leave it all behind and give himself completely to God. Building a hut in the quiet woods, he planned to live out his days there in prayer and solitude. But God had other plans for William . . . plans that ensured his suitcase would never stay unpacked!Join William as God sends him one surprise after another, until William finally receives the biggest surprise of all!


Whether she is writing teen fiction or children’s stories, Susan Peek knows how to bring characters to life and send them on exciting adventures.

Every book has detailed, beautiful artwork that allows children to visualize scenes. The simple vocabulary makes her stories easy to understand and enjoy. The setting details and imagery Susan Peek uses will draw young readers deeper into the story, speak to their imagination, and stir their little hearts.

Peek’s stories definitely entertain, but they also encourage virtue. The message of each story will appeal to a child’s sense of awe and have them appreciating the Blessed Mother, the saints, holiness, and the Blessed Sacrament in deeper ways.

Visit Susan Peek’s website. Find all of Susan Peek’s books on Amazon or through your favorite bookseller.

Little Runty Trilogy by Martina Parnelli

RuntyBook1FrontCoverA fresh telling – based on actual events! – of the trip taken by the donkey that went to Bethlehem, and all the wondrous things that he saw on the way and there at the cave. Full color illustrations bring to life more vividly this charming account of the classic Christmas story.


RuntyFrontCoverIn this exciting adventure, we join the donkey that was present at the crib of Bethlehem. Follow him as he accompanies the Holy Family through the events that occurred on their way to their new home in Egypt. Wondrous miracles, joyful happenings, visits from angels, or great hardships, Little Runty was there and saw it all!


Runty Book 3 frontAngels, miracles and adventures await Little Runty in this last of the Little Runty trilogy. The little donkey who went to Bethlehem and Egypt with the Holy family now rejoins them for the trip home. The trek is full of surprises and hardships and at its end there is the question of Runty’s return to the farmer from whom he was borrowed. Follow Runty through his journey and its happy conclusion in this last of the Little Runty series.


Author and artist Martina Parneli has created a delightful trilogy that will not only entertain but edify its readers. Parneli’s sweet and engaging writing style is sure to connect with children. Detailed and beautiful artwork fill these books, giving young ones a lot to look at while being read to. Inspired by Venerable Maria D’Agreda’s book The Mystical City of God these stories provide unique insights into the Christmas story and beyond. All three stories convey beautiful messages like trusting God even with your imperfections, knowing that He has a plan for you, making the best of a situation, working hard, and holding onto hope. Through these stories, readers will also grow in a deeper understanding of the trials and sacrifices the Holy Family likely experienced during Jesus’s early years.

Visit Martina Parnelli’s website. Her books are available on Amazon or through your favorite bookseller.

This month I am linking up with Carolyn Astfalk’s “An Open Book” and What have you been reading lately? Feel free to link up your blog post too! You can find the details here.

Book-giving Guides


Christmas shopping can be overwhelming. You want to show someone that you care about them, that they are important to you. And you want to give them something they will enjoy and even treasure for years to come. But as you’re scrolling through gift items on-line or wandering through yet another store, questions pop into your mind:

  • Will he like this?
  • Does she already have that?
  • If I spend all this money on this, will it be worth it?
  • Will they stop playing with it in a month or two?
  • What size does she wear?
  • What does he really like to do?
  • Do they already have something like this?

Lately, I’ve stumbled across a few great gift-giving lists. These are not your ordinary top-ten-toys lists. These are lists of books! Book-giving guides!

Books make fantastic gifts because they cost so little and give so much. Books can transport readers into different times and places. They allow you to leave your own life for a while and step inside someone else’s life. And if the book is Christian fiction, it gives the reader even more! Christian fiction can provide gems of value that can transform lives, jump-start faith, and delve into new and deeper insight.

I’ll share links to some of those book-giving guides here:

The first two lists are compiled by author Carolyn Astfalk. In addition to writing Christian romance, Carolyn is a full-time mom to four children and an avid reader. She posts a monthly “Open Book” blog that anyone can link to if they want to share what books they’ve been reading. I am always discovering new titles of interest on her blog.

I found another super-awesome book list on Jeannie Egolf’s Peanut Butter & Grace blog. This blog is worth following too. Previous posts give other “Shop Catholic” gift ideas, Advent reflections, video suggestions, and so much more!

peanut butter

Shop Catholic This Christmas

Virtue Ink is another not-to-be missed website. Cathy Gilmore, the founder of Virtue Works Media, is dedicated to helping parents, grandparents, and teachers become effective spiritual mentors to the children and teens they love. You can learn about the TOTALLY Feminine GENIUS Generations Book Club on her website too. But be sure to check out the reading & entertainment list:

For the Catholic teen in your life, stop by for books in a variety of genres and many award-winning titles.

I will update this blog post if I discover more!

And I invite you to check out the new Christmas video that showcases my books!

Happy Advent!