Summer & Books: Freeing Tanner Rose

Inspired by the A to Z Blogging Challenge this past April, I have decided to blog about books for the month of June. I will be sharing tidbits about my own books and the other books on the Catholic Teen Books website.

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Ever wonder what faith and kung fu have in common? This summer, dive into the first in T.M. Gaouette’s Faith & Kung Fu series, Freeing Tanner Rose, and find out!


About the Book:

Freeing Tanner Rose is the first of four books in the Faith & Kung Fu series.

For Gabriel, Tanner Rose is just a superficial starlet, addicted to Hollywood. For Tanner, Gabriel is just a boring, kung fu-loving, Christian boy, who’s living a lackluster life in the middle of no-where. So, what happens when she’s forced to live in his world? It doesn’t take long before Tanner Rose craves a taste of her old life, even if it means upsetting a few people along the way. She thrives in the spotlight, after-all! Will Gabriel’s faith encourage Tanner to change her partying ways, or will her wild undertakings and addicting vices tempt him to do things he’d never considered before?

“There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” ~1 Corinthians 10:13

My boys love play fighting in the backyard or wielding walking sticks (or even yard tools). The other day I was watching my youngest (a 13-year-old) spinning two sticks at one time, one over his head and the other out in front. And I thought to myself, “Wow, that boys has skills!” He would probably benefit from martial arts training of one sort or another. In addition to health and fitness benefits, I believe that such training would provide discipline that would benefit a person in every area of their life.

I asked Author T.M. Gaouette why Faith & Kung Fu was the title of her fiction series and here is her answer:

I’ve been told that it’s a fascinating affiliation. But I’ve never been asked why I chose it. And my reasons go far beyond the fact that both myself and the main character, Gabriel, are devoted to our faith and love kung fu – he is far more superior in both than I am, however.

What Gabriel gets out of kung fu, he puts into his faith, such as physical and emotional strength, discipline, modesty, and balance. Kung fu is also an external manifestation of his internal devotion. Finally, kung fu provides Gabriel with the forum for intense meditative prayer and connection with God.

Modesty plays a huge role in this novel. The author recently posted “Teaching Virtues Through Fiction Series: Modesty” on her blog. Be sure to check it out!

A few Amazon Reviews:

“Principled and religious without being pious or cloying, this is a fun, refreshing story about something other than fashion and romance.”

“This book is great! Helps one realize that faith can get you through difficult situations and that you don’t need to know how to “do” religion in order to believe. The characters are easily imagined in looks and personality. Wonderfully engaging.”

Connect with T.M. Gaouette and learn more about the author and her books:





Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have you stumbled upon a favorite book this summer? Tell me about it in the comments. Feel free to share a link.


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