No Bah, Humbug


With all the lock-downs, mask-ups, fake news, and the United States presidential elections up in the air, it’s hard to carry on as usual. But we are one month away from Christmas and we need to prepare!

Image by MLARANDA from Pixabay

So let’s back off from the news and social media for a bit, break out our Advent Wreaths, and replace our half-spent purple and pink candles. And let’s focus on preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. That’s what Advent is about!

Let’s plan our Advent Scripture reading and prayers. Note: you can find inexpensive Catholic notebooks and prayer journals perfect for prayers and planning HERE.

Consider the traditions you have and those you’d like to add. Don’t let the craziness of the world stop you from enjoying Advent and Christmas traditions this year.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
  • Do you want to try a Jesse Tree with your children? Check out the Peg Doll Jesse Tree on Catholic Mom HERE.
  • What about celebrating St Nicholas Day? Check out this Catholic Mom article of ideas HERE.
  • Prepare Christmas cards, either homemade or store bought, and send hope-filled notes to friends and family.
  • Learn and teach your children about the Twelve Days of Christmas.
  • Plan your favorite Christmas cookies and get a few new recipes. See Carolyn Astfalk’s Virtual Christmas Cookie Swap for fun recipes HERE.
  • Make your gift list!
Image by monicore from Pixabay

I recommend keeping the gift list simple and meaningful to avoid over-commercializing Christmas. I also recommend books! And not just because I’m an author who’s about to recommend her Catholic fiction for kids, teens, and adults!

So why does faith-filled fiction make the perfect gift? Even though it’s not electronic, books entertain and they do it in a long-lasting way. A faith-filled story can move hearts and inspire readers. A powerful story can change someone’s understanding of a moral issue or deepen their empathy for others. It can even motivate one to overcome fear and step out in faith.

I became a Catholic writer because I believe in the power of faith-filled fiction in a person’s life. And I’ve received feedback from readers that has further convinced me that God continues to use stories to touch hearts, just as Jesus did 2000 years ago.

Fire Starters, a Confirmation story, the latest in the
contemporary teen fiction West Brothers series

Teen and adult readers have told me how Battle for His Soul has made them more aware of the spiritual battle and of their own guardian angel. One teen regained her faith after reading Roland West, Loner, and she deepened her understanding of God’s love for her after reading Life-Changing Love.

A man told me how purgatory soul story Tortured Soul helped him find forgiveness and offer prayers for someone that he’d had a hard time forgiving. This award-winning book, written for adults, is endorsed by Susan Tassone, the Purgatory Lady, and many have told me how it’s inspired them to pray more for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

You can learn more about my books on MY WEBSITE and go HERE to get the books at a 10% discount from November 20 to December 20. Use promo code: THANKSGIVING 2020 for 10% off your purchase.

In addition to recommending my books, I have discovered several Catholic fiction authors over the years: TM Gaouette, Susan Peek, Cynthia Toney, Leslea Wahl, Carolyn Astfalk, Corinna Turner . . . . The list of incredible Catholic authors goes on. I encourage you to visit where you will discover Catholic teen fiction in a variety of genres by those authors and more. CatholicTeenBooks offers themed book packs that would make for great gifts for the teen readers in your life.

And they now have book-club-in-a-box selections that include books and swag! Even if you don’t belong to a book club, you can get a “gift set”–a single copy of the book and swag.

In addition to recommending teen fiction, I have a few children’s books to suggest. I love how children appreciate books, reading their favorites over and over. It makes my heart happy to see young ones fall in love with books.

The first two in my Armor of God series are out now: Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness. These fantasy adventure chapter books are geared toward children preparing for or who’ve recently received the sacrament of Confession and have made/are preparing to make their First Holy Communion. Check the books out HERE.

For younger children, I recommend Saint Clare and Her Cat by Catholic author Dessi Jackson. Dessi writes the sweetest saint stories so be sure to hunt down more of her books where ever you buy books.

Visit Susan Peek’s website and Martina Parnelli for more Catholic children’s books. Check out my post about Catholic Stories for Children and Christmas Gift List: Catholic Children’s Books for more.

For Christmas themed books, please also watch Catholic Mom and Daughter on Youtube. They review books, so you can “see” the books and hear what these two love about each one. I just love to watch these two review books and they’ve even reviewed some of mine in the past!

So while the culture seems to get darker and darker, don’t get down. Don’t get depressed. No, bah, humbug. We are called to be light!

I pray that you are filled with joy this Advent season and that you let your light shine in the darkness. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and never forget: you were made for these days!

Have a Blessed Advent and a Holy Christmas!

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