Encountering Signs of Faith


CWG Book Blast! ‘Encountering Signs of Faith,’ by Allison Gingras

This month, I’m joining the Catholic Writers’ Guild book tour of Allison Gingras’s book, Encountering Signs of Faith.  In Encountering Signs of Faith, Allison Gingras opens her heart to you through personal and powerful stories—including the adoption of her Deaf daughter—with the desire that through the devotions of the Catholic faith, all can learn how to hear the message the Lord has specifically for you.

Encountering Signs of Faith cover


What kind of book is this? An adoption story. That’s because every Christian has an adoption story—the story of our adoption through Christ as his brothers and sisters and as children of the Father. With any adoption come new traditions, heirlooms, and the opportunity to create lasting legacies. For Christians, these signs of adoption often come in items such as rosaries, prayer cards, medals, and other sacramentals, which are important avenues for grace and tangible ways to embrace the abundant grace of God.


Each of us has desires that God longs to fulfill for us. Some are so minute they are fulfilled without our ever recognizing that grace played a role. Sometimes he plants the idea in our hearts early in our lives, like my desire to adopt a child. Other times he works through circumstances to lead us along the right path. The path God had in mind for us sent us on a mission that took us across a continent and an ocean; your mission is just as important, even if it takes you no further than your kitchen table. Either way, it takes courage to seek and to find the Lord’s will for our lives. If your heart is open to what he asks, I can guarantee that God will send you all the graces you need to fulfill his plan for you!

Twitter: @ReconciledToYou
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reconciledtoyou

About the Author:

Allison Gingras (www.ReconciledToYou.com) — is a blogger, author, podcaster, and social media evangelizer. Her writing includes Encountering Signs of Faith (AMP), the Stay Connected Journals for Women (OSV), and many contributions to books and websites. Allison is a Digital Media Specialist for Family Rosary, Catholic Mom, and the Fall River Diocese.

Ave Maria Press is offering 25% off your entire order through June 19, 2023, with code: FATHER23

5 Reasons We Need Dystopian Fiction


Before I begin… While I believe dystopian fiction is important (and thus I wrote the Chasing Liberty trilogy) my trilogy is now unavailable in paperback. If you are dying to own a copy of the trilogy today, there is only one way to get it. You’ll have to contact me! I have two complete sets that I can autograph and send to you. I’ll explain more later about that and a giveaway.

Do you find dystopian fiction to be exciting and adventurous or depressing? Or maybe it’s a bit of both.

I find it invigorating and inspirational to follow a lead character who recognizes something is wrong with the world–with the culture–and who is willing to do something about it despite the personal costs. We do not live in a perfect world and we each have a responsibility to do something about it.

Reason #1: Dystopian fiction can be inspiring. It can motivate a person to take a hard look at the world around them and encourage them to make a difference.

So while my trilogy is currently unavailable (in paperback) I am excited to announce that it will soon be re-released. I’ve revisited the stories and the characters (Dedrick, Liberty, Dr. Supero…) and brought them alive again in my mind. And I can’t wait to share the new covers and some special opportunities.

If you read through to the end of this, I’m also going to ask you to do something. And I’ll tell you about a chance to win the new trilogy.

Before I give reason #2 for why we need dystopian fiction, I’d like to share how this trilogy came about… because I never really planned to write a dystopian.

I was in the middle of writing and rewriting another book when inspiration for the Liberty trilogy struck. It wasn’t a single factor so much as a compilation of things that bothered me. I’d been watching and reading the news…

  • Scientists are experimenting on human embryos (Is nothing sacred? Where do we draw the line?)
  • Special interest groups insist that tiny fish are more important than farming families (Look it up if you don’t believe me!)
  • Other groups radically push the population-control agenda (Who cares that every person on the planet could fit into the state of Texas with over a thousand square feet per person?–Do the math.)
  • We all know that we can be tracked with our phones, and our cars, and through every online search and action. (I’m still shocked every time I see random ads in my FB feed for bizarre things that I research for stories.)
  • And who doesn’t notice and lament the moral decline our culture is experiencing?

I love our country and don’t want to see her fall. But if we lose focus on the things that matter—faith, family, and freedom—we’ll go the way of Rome and every other once-glorious nation.

Reason #2: Dystopian fiction can help us to realize what we have, what is valuable to us, and what we stand to lose.

So love of my fellow man and my country prompted me to throw myself into research, and I discovered actual special-interest groups that are influential in our country and the world. All the warped ideologies in my story come from this research. Yes, there are actual groups that think humans are the scourge of the earth.

The more I learned, the more I realized I needed to write this dystopian story about a possible future for America.

Reason #3: Dystopian fiction can help us to visualize, draw conclusions, and consider where we are headed if we continue down the same path.

I only meant to write one book and return to my other stories. I wanted to end Chasing Liberty by showing a seed of change being planted. But I couldn’t stop thinking about it. What exactly is this freedom we should be fighting for? Can one person possibly make a difference? The other two stories in this trilogy came to life very quickly.

The Liberty trilogy is set in the near future. The technology, science, and ideologies are real. The main character, Liberty, has grown up in a society that has done away with faith, family, and freedom. Needless to say, the average citizen’s concept of right and wrong is sorely lacking.

We see this every day, on the news and in our neighborhoods and schools. The sense of right and wrong has diminished considerably, even compared to ten years ago.

And while this is true, it is also true that God is not dead. God does not sleep or hide. He continues to offer His gifts, His truth, and holiness to those who long for it.

Raised in this godless society that has elevated the earth above man, Liberty had never learned about God and moral truth. Yet she has a moral compass that guides her.

We all have this moral compass, even though we often ignore it. Liberty doesn’t ignore it. Her choices make life harder for her at times, and she definitely stands out among her peers, but she wants to be faithful to the inner voice. And this makes a huge difference in her life.

Reason #4: Dystopian fiction shows that no matter how dark the world around us becomes, we each still have that inner voice and it’s important to follow it–not just important for our own life, but for the world around us.

Teens and adults have responded to the characters in this book and to the themes of the trilogy. It’s been called an action-packed thrill ride, phenomenal, and a must-read.

“Chasing Liberty by Theresa Linden is a futuristic look at what our culture might become if we keep on the same trajectory as we are presently heading. Though I dearly hope we have enough sense and compassion to avoid such a catastrophe, I can connect the dots which drew the picture Linden is pointing to. As in the books, 1984 and Brave New World, where the authors pointed to an extreme version of the worst elements in society, the danger is real, even if only in part. Such authors speak to us through fiction and remind us of an important truth about ourselves.”       ~Ann Frailey, novelist and screenwriter

This trilogy is aimed at young people, new adults, and adults who enjoy a character-driven story and a thought-provoking plot. It is also very relevant to today.

While some books recommended for young adults contain content that you wouldn’t want your teens to read, these do not. I wanted to write something that anyone could enjoy. My mom has even read and loved them! I won’t post her reviews though, because she might be partial. 🙂 But I will share one more review and then I’d like to show you a new book cover!

“I just finished the book, it was excellent. It is a hypothetical of what could happen to this country and the world when government controls you from cradle to grave and how a young woman by the name of Liberty is chasing just that liberty and freedom. It is a must read as this book takes you further in what happens to a society that is government run than the book Agenda 21 by Harriet Parke and Glenn Beck.”   ~Joe Goldner, co-host at The Truth Is Out There-Voice of the People Radio Show!

The trilogy will be re-released with the new covers June 27, 2018. The ebooks are available now but the paperbacks are not. Remember, I have on hand two autographed sets of the trilogy with the original covers, which I will offer at a reduced price. Contact me here.

And now… here is one of the new covers:

Chasing Liberty Front Cover

If you want to see the other two covers, visit my author website. You can probably also find them on Amazon because the ebooks seem to be available now, even though I’ve set the release date as June 27th.

This trilogy starts off pretty gloomy, I admit, but it ends on a note of hope and encouragement. Like Frodo in the Lord of the Rings and Mother Teresa on the streets of Calcutta, one person can truly make a difference in the world.

Reason #5: A good dystopian fiction brings home the message that you are responsible for the culture and you can make a difference in your own unique way.


Thank you for reading this through to the end. And now I’ve got a challenge for you.

Can you imagine if every person in the world stepped outside, picked up a piece of garbage, and threw it away? In some neighborhoods you might not have far to walk to find it, but others you would. But with that one effort, imagine how much cleaner our world would be.

But how do you change a dark culture that has allowed science and technology to advance without comparable developments in ethics, that has allowed a government to grow too big and controlling, that has allowed morals to fall so low that faith is no longer welcome in many situations?


I challenge you to do something.

  • Pray. It’s easy. You can do it anywhere, anytime, and for any reason. Remember God is always in control and He is waiting for us to turn to Him.
  • Be holy. Make the right choices every day, even if it leads to a few inconveniences. Think of the example you set for others!
  • Speak up. Talk to people about important issues. Even if you don’t agree, respectful dialog can accomplish a lot.
  • Share my trilogy! Don’t you think that’s a great idea? Or at least share this blog post if you think it makes a good point others need to hear.
  • If you’re a parent, educate your children about important issues. Talk about them often.
  • Be a responsible citizen, not just by voting but by staying informed and making your voice heard on important issues. Write editorials and blog posts!
  • Show your faith. Live your faith. Stand up for values.
  • And don’t underestimate the power of fiction. Stories are the basic way we make sense of our world. Unconsciously, our brains organize the information we receive every day in essentially the same form as a story. (I have more to say on this but I’ll share it another time).

And now, I leave you with a quote from Saint Catherine of Siena. This young woman who lived in the Middle Ages influenced popes, cardinals, and princes. She negotiated peace between countries, wrote books on spiritual matters, and was declared a Doctor of the Church.

Saint Catherine of Siena did all this before her death at age thirty-three.

be who God meant

You can contact me or sign up for my author newsletter here.

If you’ve read this trilogy already, please let me know what you think of it! And if you have someone you’d like to share it with, let me know that too. Share it in the comments for your chance to win a complete set of the trilogy with the new covers. #DystopianTrilogy #Giveaway #CommentToWin

Contest details: simply comment on this blog post and you are entered to win. Winner will be selected by Contest Winner Picker on the release date: Wednesday, June 27th. The winner will be announced in my newsletter and on my blog. The three books of the trilogy will be shipped to the winner within a day or two after that!

Please spread the word! Thank you!

Today is the release day and we have a #WINNER: Michelle Crosbie!!!

Congratulation, Michelle! I will get the complete trilogy in the mail to you as soon as possible! You commented that you think the trilogy would be perfect for your son. I hope he enjoys it!

Book Review: The Grace Crasher


516arGS316L._SX331_BO1204203200_It’s been a long time since I’ve laughed so much while reading a book. This story has so many hysterical parts! I absolutely loved it!

The Grace Crasher opens with Julia and her best friend Robin in a Christian store, shopping for things that can help Julia look like she’s evangelical. She desperately wants to get an apartment but the landlady is a born-again Christian.

At one point, Julia tries on a shirt and turns her backside to Robin.

“Does this Jesus shirt make my butt look big?”

“Not big, just …trapezoidal.”

Then they move to the Bibles. Julia grabs the plain one that simply said Holy Bible because it seemed like the most Bible-ish one.

We soon learn more about Julia, her family, and her interests. She has a crush on Dylan Heath, the lead singer of a local indie band, but when she sees cute Mark, the store’s manager, she decides it’s a good idea to have a backup crush.

I must admit: it was Carolyn Astfalk’s review of The Grace Crasher that compelled me to get a copy for myself. Her book reviews are thorough and reliable, and I think we have similar tastes.

I cracked this book open (actually I read an ebook, so that phrase doesn’t really work) expecting to find a light, humorous, enjoyable story that I could read a little at a time before bed, and I was not disappointed. Author Mara Faro pokes fun at both Evangelical and Catholic Christians, but not in a mean way. It was all gut-busting fun! But as the story developed I also found surprising depth of character and story-line. The main character faces trials many can identify with and goes through a beautiful transformation.

Well-developed and realistic characters, along with the continuous humor, and the deeper spiritual insights made this a fantastic story that I highly recommend.

Other Reviews:

“A great take on infatuation vs. love, speaking the truth in love, and being true to yourself.” ~

“Julia’s path is a relatable one, and in her flaws and the flaws of the characters around her, we see ourselves and our own brokenness with delightful clarity.” ~

“Loved it! Fun, inspiring, quirky,…I had lots of laughs reading this!” ~Amazon review

Funny, insightful, and brilliant!” ~Vera A. Velk

A hilarious, poignant story that sets the broken love among families, friends, lovers, and fellow believers against the backdrop of God’s unfailing, patient, perfect love.” ~

You can learn more about the author Mara Faro at her website.

You can get the book on Amazon in both paperback or ebook format.

New Release by Cynthia T. Toney


1920s Historical Novel coming soon!

Write Integrity Press continues author Cynthia T. Toney’s commitment to providing meaningful fiction for young people with publication of The Other Side of Freedom, a coming-of-age historical novel set in 1920s America.

In a southern farming community in 1925, thirteen-year-old Salvatore and his Italian immigrant father become involved against their will in a crime that results in the murder of an innocent man and family friend. Will Sal keep the secrets about that night as his father asks, or risk everything he and his family cherish in their new homeland, including their lives? 

Amidst bigotry, bootlegging, police corruption, and gangland threats, Sal must discover whom he can trust in order to protect himself and his family and win back his father’s freedom. Sal’s family, their African-American farmhand, and the girl who is Sal’s best friend find their lives forever changed as dreams are shattered and attitudes challenged in a small community called Freedom.

Inspiration for Ms. Toney’s novel came from her own ancestry.

“Possibly orphaned but definitely impoverished, one of my great-grandfathers journeyed from Sicily to America as a young boy with a family not his own, and he grew up with their children. He established the strawberry farm that inspired the setting for this novel.”

Written for ages 10 to 17, but with appeal for adult readers, The Other Side of Freedom lends itself to discussions on immigration, segregation, Prohibition, and numerous other topics. The book includes thought-provoking questions for classrooms and book clubs.


I was able to read an advanced copy of this book, which comes out this October. The eBook is available for pre-order now!

My Review:

As a fan of historical fiction, I thoroughly enjoyed The Other Side of Freedom by Cynthia Toney. This story, set in the 1920s, has so many historical and time-period details, from the 1924 Ford Model T Tudor to the mention of Al Capone and the first black man elected to the US Senate. The tension begins in the first scene when Sal finds well-dressed strangers at the door. And the tension mounts from there with an attempted bank robbery, a death, sneaking and spying, and a lot of tough choices and obstacles for thirteen-year-old Sal. Toney’s attention to descriptive and sensory details makes this story even stronger.

This coming-of-age story about Sal, who belongs to a tight-knit Italian family, helps readers to understand the difficulties of farm life during this time period, the ugliness of segregation, and the courage of the immigrant. It also brings out a strong message of courage and self-sacrifice. I highly recommend this book.

Cynthia T. Toney is also the author of the Bird Face series for teens, which began with 8 Notes to a Nobody. She lives in the Houston area and can be reached through her website www.CynthiaTToney.com.

She is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild. Her books are available on Amazon, your favorite bookseller, and they are listed on Catholic Teen Books website. Her other books include the Bird Face series:

Care to share? Tweet about this book!

Thanks for reading my blog post!

Summer & Books: Fight for Liberty

Inspired by the A to Z Blogging Challenge this past April, I have decided to blog about books for the month of June. I will be sharing tidbits about my own books and the other books on the Catholic Teen Books website.


Fight for Liberty, the final book in the Chasing Liberty trilogy, for your summer reading enjoyment! This book was released last summer on July 4th because of a strong American theme. I had a blast writing this one because I researched both state-of-the-art technology and our American past.

Check out the GIVEAWAY for a chance to win the entire trilogy.

About the Book:

Fight for Liberty by Theresa Linden is book three in the dystopian Chasing Liberty trilogy. Liberty has gained a deeper understanding of true freedom, but having it for herself is not enough. Prompted by the inner voice that has guided her for years, Liberty is compelled to bring the freedom she possesses to others in Aldonia. While unsure of how to carry out this mission, she is willing to risk all to accomplish it. Threats from outside the Boundary Fence and threats closer to home cause chaos and confusion that have everyone unsure of what direction to take. Troubled by Liberty’s risky choices, Dedrick wishes he could convince her to leave for the colonies. But Liberty has chosen Aldonia over him.

When faith, family, and freedom have been squashed, what can one person or even a group do to reclaim the culture?

In this dystopian future, everyone is addicted to 3D games. The government uses them as a means to control and indoctrinate, but the underground community has found a way to use them too. They’ve discovered that the past just might have answers for today. In a way, this final book in the trilogy is about each of us doing our part to take the culture back.

As St. Catherine of Siena said, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

I recently discovered that Fight for Liberty is one of the books that will be featured on Sabbath Rest Book Talks, July 9th!

From Erin Mcole Cupp’s website: One Sunday evening each month, please join me (Erin McCole Cupp) for an interactive event where we’ll talk about the role of reading fiction in the development of the whole person, the healing of relationships, and the revitalization of the human mind, heart and soul.

Check out Fight for Liberty book trailer here.

Here are a couple of review snippets from Amazon.

Exciting beyond measure from front to end. You will not only love this book, it will make you think and learn stuff you didn’t realize before. A must read for any generation!

“Fight For Liberty, just like the first two books in the trilogy, is a fast-paced page turner, and brings a fantastic and satisfying conclusion to the story! Linden has an amazing ability to build characters with such depth and put them (and us) in rich, layered and realistic environments. She is a pleasure to read and I’m looking forward to diving into the rest of her books! Highly recommended!”

Want to learn more about Theresa Linden and her books?

website: www.theresalinden.com

blog: Things Visible & Invisible

Facebook author page

Twitter: @LindenTheresa

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have you stumbled upon a favorite book this summer? Tell me about it in the comments. Feel free to share a link.


Summer & Books: Testing Liberty

Inspired by the A to Z Blogging Challenge this past April, I have decided to blog about books for the month of June. I will be sharing tidbits about my own books and the other books on the Catholic Teen Books website.


I never meant for Chasing Liberty to be a trilogy. I wrote it as a stand-alone that was meant to get readers thinking. But my readers wanted to know what happens next, and the characters began to tell me. The second and third books in this trilogy came together rather quickly.

Check out the GIVEAWAY for a chance to win the entire trilogy.

About the Book:

Hidden no more. Imprisoned by the all-controlling government. Slated for Re-Education. Liberty must escape from a high-security facility to rescue the colonists who lost their freedom. Their capture is her fault.

Set in the not-so-distant future, where the government controls society through indoctrination, population control, and the eradication of the family, Liberty bides her time in Aldonia’s Re-Education facility. If she fails to escape and rescue the others, the children, teens and adults of the Maxwell Colony will be integrated into society, facing sterilization and indoctrination. She is not alone in the desire to rescue the colonists. An underground, anti-government group has been rescuing people from Aldonia for years, but never have they attempted to rescue so many at one time. To do so would risk exposing, even ending, their operation. Dedrick, one of the top rescuers, grieves for his family members who are now residents of government’s facilities. He wants Liberty free, but he is opposed to working with her.

Racing through the wild, the underground and sordid inner-city slums, Testing Liberty follows Liberty from one trial to another, to her final sacrifice.

Check out the book trailer here. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I will share a few images that tell some of the story from Testing Liberty.

Here are a couple of review snippets from Amazon.

A great sequel to Chasing Liberty. It takes up from the first story and carries it forward. You meet more characters, also thoughtfully drawn. It is full of action and surprises, as well as thought provoking ideas. It is totally believable, as our society heads the way of the Regimen thinking today. I like how Dedrick and Liberty draw closer, although she has to atone for what she caused to happen in book one. I can’t wait for the wrap-up in the last book. I hope they overthrow the Regimen and return America to its roots.

“Chasing Liberty and Testing Liberty have made me a fan of dystopian fiction. Smart, suspenseful, and well-written, these gems will have you eagerly awaiting the final book in the series!”

Want to learn more about Theresa Linden and her books?

website: www.theresalinden.com

blog: Things Visible & Invisible

Facebook author page

Twitter: @LindenTheresa

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have you stumbled upon a favorite book this summer? Tell me about it in the comments. Feel free to share a link.


Summer & Books: Chasing Liberty

Inspired by the A to Z Blogging Challenge this past April, I have decided to blog about books for the month of June. I will be sharing tidbits about my own books and the other books on the Catholic Teen Books website.


While Roland West, Loner was the first book I wrote, it wasn’t the first one published. Chasing Liberty was! I’ve moved on from the publisher that first accepted my manuscript and published my book, but I will forever be grateful to them for giving me a chance. Thank you, World Castle Publishing!

If you think you might enjoy this dystopian, check out the GIVEAWAY for a chance to win the entire trilogy.

About the Book:

Set in the not-so-distant future where faith, family and freedom do not exist . . . Liberty 554-062466-84 of Aldonia lives in a responsible society that cares for the earth and everyone on it. They have learned to balance resource consumption with replacement initiatives, unavoidable pollution with clean-environment efforts. Science ensures that every baby born is healthy. The government ensures that every baby born is needed. All are cared for, taught, and given a specific duty to perform, their unique contribution to society. Why is Liberty so unsatisfied?

In less than two weeks, Liberty must begin her vocation. Every girl in Aldonia wishes she had Liberty’s vocation. Liberty would rather flee from Aldonia and live on her own, independent of the all-controlling government, the Regimen Custodia Terra. The high electrical Boundary Fence crushes any thought of escape. The ID implant imbedded in her hand makes it impossible to hide. She has no choice but to submit. Liberty is slated to be a Breeder.
As vocation day draws near, a man with an obsession for Liberty attacks her and injects her with a drug. She’s about to lose consciousness when someone comes to her rescue, a man in a mottled cape and dark glasses. She wakes in an underground facility where people watch over Aldonia with an array of monitors and surveillance equipment. These people are full of secrets, but she discovers one thing: they rescue a man scheduled for re-education. Liberty gains a glimmer of hope. They rescued him. They can rescue her.

Before I wrote my dystopian fiction, Chasing Liberty, I wrote Catholic teen fiction. I enjoyed reading Mary Higgins Clark’s mysteries, Louis L’Amour’s Westerns, Louis De Wohl’s novels about saints, and Dean Koontz’ supernatural fiction. I didn’t read or write dystopian. In fact, the word was not even familiar to me.

A dystopia is an imaginary society that is undesirable or frightening. It is literally translated as a “not-good place.”

Disturbing events occurring in our world got me thinking and concerned about our future. A little, endangered fish is being protected at the expense of drought-stricken farmers in California. The government tracks us through our phones and cars. They data-mine our online activity, searching for key phrases. Scientists push past ethical boundaries to experiment with cloning and stem cell research. Worse than the loss of privacy, the freedom of the individual is challenged. People are fined for living according to their faith. And the dignity of the human person seems all but lost.

What does tomorrow hold? Are we heading for a “not-good place”?

These are some of the motivations behind this story. To read more about why I wrote this trilogy, check out my blog post on the Catholic Writers Guild Blog: click here


Here are a couple of review snippets from Amazon.

Phenomenal fast paced, gripping book. Left me wanting more and more. Very relative to what is going on today. Looking forward to next book. A must read.

“Chasing Liberty is an awesome read! This book grabbed my interest right from the start! The unexpected twists and turns of the story really made the reading exciting! Each character had their own uniqueness. Hopefully our world will never turn out like this, but it sure does feel possible. I really loved the attention to detail – it made me feel like I was living in the book, picturing in my mind every place and person, and sharing with their thoughts. Theresa Linden has captured emotions, personalities, societies, generations and attitudes in a way like a superb author would! So impressive! Looking forward to more books in the series! I really want to know what happens next! Thanks for a great book!”

Want to learn more about Theresa Linden and her books?

website: www.theresalinden.com

blog: Things Visible & Invisible

Facebook author page

Twitter: @LindenTheresa

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have you stumbled upon a favorite book this summer? Tell me about it in the comments. Feel free to share a link.


Summer & Books: Battle for His Soul

Inspired by the A to Z Blogging Challenge this past April, I have decided to blog about books for the month of June. I will be sharing tidbits about my own books and the other books on the Catholic Teen Books website.

Battle For His Soul Front

Battle for His Soul, the third in the West Brothers Series, was released on the Feast of the Guardian Angels. It has become my favorite of the books I’ve written because I receive the most feedback from it. One teenage boy who doesn’t like to read stayed up all night to finish it, then he sent a text message to his teacher the next day, saying he loved it and wanted to read the next book in this series (which I haven’t finished yet). So I’d better get writing!

About the Book:

Battle for His Soul by Theresa Linden is a high-action, speculative Christian story. Jarret West, a rich teenage boy, has been accustomed to having control over others and getting his way. When his life begins to fall apart, his guardian angel, Ellechial, hopes now is the time for his conversion. Jarret must be freed from the deep clutches of Deth-kye, the demon bent on seeing him in hell. The fate of several others depends upon Jarret’s conversion.

While Jarret gets ensnared in Deth-kye’s traps, Ellechial can provide little help since Jarret doesn’t pray, doesn’t believe, and hasn’t listened to him in years. Ellechial hopes Jarret’s twin brother, who has recently found God, will be able to influence him. But Jarret goes on vacation with his father and younger brother where temptations only increase.

Meanwhile, Jarret’s twin and other teens form a prayer group and begin to pray before the Blessed Sacrament unaware of the power they provide the angels. Though Ellechial gains strength, Deth-kye wins victory after victory. His weapons: emotion, vice, and memories.

Who will win the battle for Jarret’s soul?

We all believe in things we can’t see. And I’m not referring to air, wind, or gravity. I’m referring to spiritual realities.

Each one of us has a guardian angel. And we know that evil spirits also prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. We don’t think about these realities often, but maybe we should. So I decided to write this story, in part, through the eyes of a guardian angel.

In this story you will find a lot of clashing and clanking of swords and scythes, gold and blue light flashing upon impact. But you’ll also learn a bit about angels. In order to add a level of realism, I researched the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas, who wrote extensively on matters of faith—including angels. You can read a bit about my research in this post.

Please check out the book trailer! for Battle for His Soul. And you can also read chapter one.

Since it would be weird to write a review of my own book, here’s the most recent review, snagged from Amazon:

Wow! What a fantastic reminder that we are never alone. We are surrounded by angels, supported and encouraged by our guardian angel, and tempted by demons. Theresa Linden brings this to life with her fantastic visuals of the spiritual world. She just as successfully portrays her characters, from the individual personalities of each of the West brothers, to the struggles that pull at them internally. The author is also very detailed in her descriptions of settings. I really visualized the scenes, which, for me at least, is a plus in pulling me into the story.

There were also very powerful moments in the story that I can’t share on this post, for giving it away would spoil the story. So, you’ll have to read it for yourself. This is a great story for teens and a reminder that every choice we make, regardless of the size, is an opportunity to glorify the Lord or please satan. So, we must choose wisely. I look forward to reading more from this author.” ~TMG, review on Amazon

This book has the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval.logo color CWG SOA (002)

Want to learn more about Theresa Linden and her books?

website: www.theresalinden.com

blog: Things Visible & Invisible

Facebook author page

Twitter: @LindenTheresa

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have you stumbled upon a favorite book this summer? Tell me about it in the comments. Feel free to share a link.


Summer & Books: Life-Changing Love

Inspired by the A to Z Blogging Challenge this past April, I have decided to blog about books for the month of June. I will be sharing tidbits about my own books and the other books on the Catholic Teen Books website.


Life-Changing Love is the second book in my West Brothers series and it follows three teens, two West brothers and one teen girl, Caitlyn Summer. Caitlyn is one of my favorite characters. She’s nice to everyone and excited about life but she’s also thin, shapeless, and a bit clumsy. I confess I share some of those characteristics. I remember when I was in grade school, deep in conversation while strolling across the playground with a friend, and next thing I knew I was wrapped around a tether ball pole. Ouch.

If you want to get to know Caitlyn Summer, check out her character interview by clicking here.

About the Book:

Life-Changing Love by Theresa Linden is a contemporary Christian teen fiction. Caitlyn Summer, soon to be fifteen, must practice old-fashioned courtship with high parental involvement, but she has a terrible crush on shy Roland West and she has competition from a girl with no restrictions. As Caitlyn struggles to remain faithful to God, her parents, and herself, her best friend gets pregnant and might get an abortion. When Caitlyn discovers her mother’s past mistakes, she begins to resent all the guidelines her parents expect her to follow.

The characters in Life-Changing Love face the questions all teens face: Who am I? Where am I headed? How am I going to get there?

One reason I wrote this book is because teens face so many confusing messages now days, especially about love, chastity, and marriage. Our sex-obsessed culture wants them to grow up too quickly and makes them feel odd for living chastely. Teens are bombarded with bad examples in music, TV shows, books, and movies. I want to provide a wholesome alternative, a fun story of friendship and faithfulness. I want to reclaim the word “chastity,” not shunning it as a term that belongs to the unenlightened past but showing that it is a treasure that brings happiness, personal integrity, and self-worth today.

This story also takes readers to Italy and on an archaeological dig.


Since it would be weird to write a review of my own book, I’ll post a couple of review snippets from Amazon.

Caitlyn Summers is a character after my own heart. This teenage girl reminds me much of how I myself was as a teen with her shy and modest nature. I love how she realizes early on that she does not have to dress like the other girls, but, instead, has the perfect right to just dress according to her own personal style. She also discovers an important truth that many teenage girls today need to know: that you should never try to be someone else in order to appeal to a guy. This strength found in taking a stand is paralleled in Roland, the guy she likes, as he must find the courage to speak up when a wrong is being committed. The personalities of both characters are well-captured through both inner thoughts and how they present themselves to others.

Not only is Life-Changing Love an entertaining read, but it’s a great tool for launching conversations between teens and parents about their expectations for dating and relationships.”

This book has the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval.logo color CWG SOA (002)

Want to learn more about Theresa Linden and her books?

website: www.theresalinden.com

blog: Things Visible & Invisible

Facebook author page

Twitter: @LindenTheresa

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have you stumbled upon a favorite book this summer? Tell me about it in the comments. Feel free to share a link.


Summer & Books: Roland West, Loner

Inspired by the A to Z Blogging Challenge this past April, I have decided to blog about books for the month of June. I will be sharing tidbits about my own books and the other books on the Catholic Teen Books website.


I am always happy to write about Roland West, Loner. This is my best-selling book, maybe because it won an award from the Catholic Press Association in the teen fiction category. Or maybe because of the awesome story and characters! Okay, I sound a bit too excited about my own book but this was the first story I ever wrote. Sure, it went through tons of rewrites and revisions, many other authors helped critique, beta read and edit it, and it looks only vaguely similar to the original story, but hey…. It’s my baby!

About the Book:

Roland West, Loner by Theresa Linden is a contemporary Christian story of a fourteen-year-old boy who finds himself friendless at a new school and the subject of cruel rumors. Despised by older twin brothers, he feels utterly alone but not without hope. If he can avoid his brothers while his father is away, he might have a solution to his problem.When his brothers lock him away, having a plan of their own, he gets rescued by an unlikely pair: a neighboring autistic boy and his brother. Struggling to trust his new friends, secrets, rumors, lies, and an unusual inheritance put him on a journey that just might have the power to change the life of this loner.

RolandWest, Loner addresses loneliness, sibling relationships,facing fears, autism, and the Communion of the Saints.

I love the main character in this story. Roland West is fourteen years old, very shy, and friendless. But he does live in a cool, castle-type house complete with battlements, turrets, and a secret passageway.

But my favorite character is the younger brother of a kid Roland just met. The younger brother’s name is Toby and he has a few unique interests. Toby likes to spin like a top, like a little kid might do but for a much longer time. Toby also likes keys, so if anyone leaves a key lying around it just might end up in his hidden collection. Toby also likes to fish, and if he can’t get out to do it, he will fill the bathtub to the brim and grab a fishing pole! And Toby likes to see light reflected off of surfaces like buildings, his brother’s blond hair, or the boulders on the Wests’ private property.

Toby’s brother is freaked out when Toby sneaks onto the West’s property for a closer look, but Roland is pretty happy about it. Toby ends up rescuing him from a tight situation.

You may have guess it: Toby has autism. And the reason I love him so much is because he was based on my oldest son. So all of the challenges, obsessions, conflict and joy concerning this character are based on our real life experiences.


Since it would be weird to write a review of my own book, I’ll post a couple of review snippets from Amazon.

“Great story about a lonely boy, treated harshly by his brothers who finds his way and eventually finds their respect. I think this would make a great read for middle school kids.”

“If I was allowed to choose only one novel this year that was not only sheer delight to read, but also had the most profound impact on my spiritual life, it would be – without a shadow of a doubt – “Roland West, Loner” by Theresa Linden. I wish I could give this book to every Catholic teen I know (and their parents too!). At first glance, the story is on a purely natural level: a teenage boy, alone and friendless in a new school, trying to cope with his cruel older brothers. But the plot swiftly moves into a new and unexpected realm – that of the supernatural – sweeping the reader way beyond the halls of River Run High and plunging straight into the doctrine of the Communion of Saints. The way Linden accomplishes this will take your breath away.

This book has the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval.logo color CWG SOA (002)

Want to learn more about Theresa Linden and her books?

website: www.theresalinden.com

blog: Things Visible & Invisible

Facebook author page

Twitter: @LindenTheresa

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have you stumbled upon a favorite book this summer? Tell me about it in the comments. Feel free to share a link.
